My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As so many of you approach your holiday of Thanksgiving we give thanks for all of you! With or without a holiday, every day is Thanksgiving day in the heavens! We are grateful for our existence, no matter what dimension we exist within. We are grateful for your existence. We know that each of us contributes to all others and as we witness your courage upon the earth we are inspired to assist you even more. We love you more than you can possibly imagine.
It takes courage to incarnate upon your earth. You are enrolled in a very difficult school here, a reality in which the sense of separation from the Source is very deep. You are eternal souls having a human experience and if you could truly embrace that reality, then you would live in a state of love and gratitude for all of life – what you judge good, what you judge bad, and everything in between. For in truth every soul upon the planet is just like you in that they are striving to remember their true nature, just as you are. Every soul is pure at its essence. Every soul is innocent at its core. You are too.
So, as so many of you celebrate a holiday of gratitude, take time this week, if only for a few moments to appreciate yourselves. Appreciate the courage it took to come to earth. Appreciate the beautiful soul that you are. Appreciate that you are striving to feel and share more love upon the earth. Appreciate your talents, and those things you think you have done well. Appreciate the beautiful relationships. As well, if you are willing, you can also appreciate those moments you felt you did not do so well, because you have learned. You can appreciate the most painful relationships because they taught, or are teaching you how to love yourself and acknowledge your own beautiful light more.
See if you can spend just one hour of your life appreciating yourself and everything around you. It will create powerful, massive shifts in your energy field that will allow the heavens to assist you even more. Practice gratitude for yourself daily – perhaps taking a few minutes before bed to appreciate all you’ve done well, all you’ve learned, and all that you are. Dear ones, gratitude is love, and it opens the door for even more grace and joy to pour into your lives! Happy Thanksgiving Day or we would say, Happy Day to give thanks… every day!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels