My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You live in a fast-paced society which bombards you at every turn with a sense of urgency. “Act now!” “Don’t miss out!” “Time is money!” Unlike your ancestors, you live in a state of almost constant stress, perpetuated by the notion that you could possibly ever run out of time.
In past generations, people lived in synchronization with nature. They awakened with the sunrise, and went to bed shortly after sunset. They slowed down to talk with other human beings. They knew death was inevitable and that they might as well enjoy their lives. They lived in accordance with their natural rhythms.
Now, however you live in accordance with unnatural rhythms. You are conditioned to believe death is the enemy rather than simply a doorway through which you pass on your journey through eternity. The clock becomes your dictator, and “how much you pack into a day” becomes your measure of success.
In truth, you only have now. Make it the most loving “now” you can imagine. Slow down. Even if you like moving quickly, slow your mind down to be focused in the present moment.
When you savor the moment, you attract grace, ease, and synchronicity. When you bring love to your “now” you can’t help but attract more love “later.”
Look at what causes you to rush through your days. Look at what makes you feel urgent. Is it a feeling that something bad will happen if you do not accomplish what you wish? Is it a feeling that you’ll have failed if you don’t accomplish all you wish? Is it a feeling that you’re worthless if you don’t get something done?
In truth only good can come of enjoying the moment. Trust that. In truth you cannot ever fail God. In truth you are never worthless. No matter what you do or don’t accomplish you are eternal, endless love having a human experience.
Enjoy your moments, dear friends, and you will enjoy your life.
As we have said so many times, What you accomplish matters far less than the love with which you do it. If you were to prioritize having a loving moment – one after the next – you would enjoy your life so thoroughly, that you would never have to worry about what you’ve accomplished!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels