Mother Mary
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Mother Mary and I judge no one on Earth. We all have our lessons to learn. Many things are buried so deeply it is hard to reach them. They show up in the most unexpected moments. The anguish can be deeply seated in many people. This is where consciousness enters – The consciousness and understanding of that all is not the way it looks. We start to understand that our actions many times are reflexive, without us stopping and thinking of the real situation. In the present moment it is easier for us to see how the situation really is. There is only here and now and no preconceptions have a place in this “now”.
In the present moment there are larger opportunities to understand oneself and the situation you find yourself in. Go back to a situation – often it is acute situation where you are fully present. You can enter and understand your own actions, which are completely intuitive. You will understand that it was the best way to do it in that situation, since it then resolved itself in a way that it probably would not have done if you had allowed your thoughts to take over. There simply is no time for any thoughts, so your body and your soul take over the situation.
Then think how it would be if you always were present and let your soul take command in your life. The best solutions for you would always be available. Your life would suddenly go through a dramatic change for the better. The best solutions for you would pop up one after the other.
Be in your heart, be present, it gives incredible possibilities for healing and release. The present moment also does not judge anybody because there is nothing to judge, since everything is in the “now”. You can see all that happens within you. You can let the old float away, the future is not to be found there. It is in the “now” that you can change your life according to the consciousness that you currently have. Do not let the old stop you from being a better person today.
We are all God’s lights and have the beautiful abilities he/she once created. It is the judging of yourselves and others, which makes us into what we are today. This is old patterns that we can perceive in our now moments and can then release them.
I, Mother Mary, will be glad to help you with this. I help you to be present and to let go of your shortcomings and your powerlessness. You are not powerless. In your moments in the now you prove this time after time. You forget how brave you really are. Remember those moments and add more and more moments of presence in your life, without it having to be in acute distress. It will enrich and bless your life many times over.
Be present dear children, live in the now as often as you can. I am there with you. Feel my presence in your presence.
I love you so much!
Mother Mary
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan
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