“Meek Membership” – Republic Update – Tuesday – Election Day – November 8, 2016
“Meek Membership”
“An Invitation of Surrender to 45th Republic President Paul Ryan and Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph F. Dunford”
Republic Update
Tuesday – Election Day
November 8, 2016
“The greatness of the man’s power is the measure of his surrender.”
― William Booth
Dear Honorable Gentlemen,
Congratulations! You reached election day in the newly restored Republic without a major catastrophe to your soil. That in of itself is a minor miracle given all the threats to your updated government and military in these again United States of America.
However gentlemen, today we ask that you focus again on the meek of your country, the little people, the citizens you shall never meet or ever know, the poor, the physically disabled, the elderly and the children. Many of us will not able to cast a vote in today’s election for a variety of reasons. Many are either unable to provide proper identification, citizenship, are ill or just uneducated as to the process without any assistance to cast a vote.
Gentlemen, the meek do not look or act like you. Many are people of color or those who no longer have the color of hope in their face, and many more are so poor they worry only about their next meal and what the temperature low will reach each night.
The meek were not born into privilege or excelled through public education via our own independent actions to arrive at greener pastures of personal achievement. Life has been very hard on them. Brutal in fact. Physically they suffer pains you will never now. Emotionally they’ve been all but forgotten and discarded by modern society.
Yet God still feels each has meaning and thus divine purpose–equal to yours I might add–and thus He keeps them alive just as He does you, to serve as the meek of His earth, just as you have been tapped to serve as the strong… equally and benevolently. We are all One in His heart.
Praise to God the Magnificent and Merciful!
Yet the meek struggle daily just to physically survive, gentlemen, where as you struggle intellectually. They live primarily off handouts from kind individuals, government agencies or charitable organizations in their communities. Or they just fade away from existence without even a tear shed in their behalf.
They know nothing of Republic Restorations, Paris Agreements, Global Currency Resets or Dark Satanic Cabals. Everything they have is right in front of them, and everything they know is what they are told by leaders like yourselves.
In contrast, everything you have is of the finest quality and most precision of craftsmanship. You fine gentlemen deal a heightened daily reality that forecasts years and decades ahead, as God has placed each of you in positions of power to serve and protect those less fortunate or unable, no matter if their social standing is classified as impoverished, low, middle, upper, or elite.
The meek depend on you as leaders to do and say the right thing. They depend on you to speak the truth for we have no clue as to what the truth looks like given the information enslavement we were ALL born into equally. How could any of the meek possible know who’s who in this psy-op ladened zoo? How or why it got this bad is not relevant, only what are we doing about it in the now. So again, they depend on you to tell them the truth, even it is initially watered down to later gain more intensity… for what other recourse but the truth do they have to improve their lives?
And please don’t say the Internet because we jointly know that’s just as corrupted with misinformation as mainstream media. The truth must come from a person, and it must come from top leadership… which means both of you gentlemen must now come out into the light of day and announcement all that has gone on behind the scenes. It’s time to spill the Republic beans gentlemen. And you’re the figureheads selected by God to do so.
President Ryan, you speak with such high ideals when discussing your “A Better Way” program. It is a refined, well presented and certainly thought through presentation, yet never once do you mention the meek of the earth as part of your agenda or God as being the centerpiece of your plans. Do we not exist? Does God not exist?
Kind sir, I know you are aware of your high moral responsibility to serve as our temporary appointment leader, so that it is your job to share the truth of our past and future with the nation and planet? You have been given an important soul covenant by God the Father to speak truth wherever and to whomever He allows you to engage with–and we hope you take this responsibility very seriously. Our lives are at stake. And quite frankly, so is yours spiritually Paul.
It’s not OK that just your family, community or colleagues get to know the real deal about what has transpire in your life. As the meek are valued in the heart of God same as you, Paul. Please understand that God is watching everything you are doing and thinking now, and you will be held accountable not only for the things you say, but also the things you don’t. Only the truth to all will suffice my brother. Only the Will of God matters in this moment.
And while we applaud your making mention of the “Shadow Government” of non-elected bureaucrats in your press conferences, we know that those who had gained control of our nation’s laws and mechanisms of power, and force, are still not being discussed in public. Why is that, Paul? Why do you not offer additional, detailed educational insight as to the body of evil that really has attempted to enslave the population you have “sworn to protect per the Constitution”? Why do you not call them out by name and have them arrested as the head of Congress, which is your decision solely per that same Constitution? Amnesty provisions? Really? Who among us in these times gets amnesty from God? Better rethink that position, Paul. It’s a losing one.
We believe you do this for one of two reasons, in our humble and meek estimation, raw fear or loyalty to the left handed path. So consider yourself Mr. President called out by your constituency post election. We will not sit around and allow you to grandstand without results. You are now to be held accountable as earlier as one second after the polls close tonight. You must by divine order speak truth to all without fear from inside the heart of Jesus Christ your self-proclaimed Lord and Master as a Catholic. Or be sent to the Central Sun by divine angels for reconditioning. God or not God.
Pretty seriously stuff, Paul. Do take such bold claims seriously, as one day you shall know my heart just as I know yours.
Why is that politicians just don’t believe the meek or masses can handle such truthful information? “The Best Way” would be to just come straight out and tell us, but either way Paul, you have now been given an opportunity to grow spiritually should you choose to engage the right handed pathway of God sincerely. Without limitation or fear. The gauntlet has been thrown down, Brother Ryan, and this unquestionably is your spiritually challenge … and it ain’t going away… ever.
General Joseph F. Dunford, sir we appreciate your many dedicated years of honorable service to this country, we do. Sincerely, we do. But recently the meek viewed your political “introduction hour” after silent retirement, whereby you spoke of immanent threats to our country (i.e. the four plus one matrix). Never once did you speak of the dark satanic families of Eastern Europe that daily, even hourly attempted to financially rape, militarily destroy and vibrationally enslave us. Or your relationship to God. Why is that, sir? Military protocol in that us civilians “can’t handle the truth?”
You too sir are failing in your Godly responsibilities as a man of God in absolute service of Him in lieu of whatever you believe to be most secure for the masses you are sworn to protect. Your primary responsibility is to serve God. Nothing is more important than that oath, including man’s military. And Fighting Joe, that’s true everyday, all day, eternally. So which army are you really fighting for Joe? It’s a fair question.
We see all the years of service, and how could we miss all the shinny metals, all the spit and polish of a career military man preaching to us about global and space security. Yet you great sir, are not living up to your responsibilities as a servant of God. Killing is not Godly. Ever. Service to country should never override service to the One that Created All Life.
Thus, we believe you sir shifting critical truths in your favor and thus lying to the constituency the Lord has placed you in responsibility of. Do you not see the contradiction with your life, Joe? One cannot kill and protect. God or not God goes even for the physically and mentally mighty Joe Dunford from South Boston. Brother, you have tough choice to make shortly, no doubt, but something tells us you’re on our side. Joe Dunford in his heart is subservient to God, not man, and thus you will accept our invitation to become a Meek Member.
Seriously, Joe, why don’t you just publicly come out and tell the country that you retired last week to run for President, after a taste of the interim presidency. Sadly, you think we don’t either know or won’t understand the ramifications of the coups d’etat you successfully coordinated to return this nation to it’s current sovereign status. But we know Joe. And we encourage you to keep going as a man of faith, not a man of might.
It takes real character to speak truth to power. And because lives are at stake and we need leaders who are unafraid of tell us the way things not only really have been, but are now, and will look like moving forward. You know just how fast and dramatically our world will be changing, and brother information dinosaurs need not apply to the office of the presidency. Which means the ability to keep secrets is no longer a strength but a weakness. Adapt or die, Joe. Adapt or die.
In review of both honorable gentlemen, we the meek feel both of you are at a critical crossroads in our secrete little hidden relationship whereby we know what you are doing behind closed doors, but you feel obligated not to share the truth with us. That somehow you know better for our lives than we known for ourselves. And even that is true in many cases, it’s no longer applicable given the radical shift of consciousness occurring now. So tell you what Paul and Joe, because we share the common truth of being equal of God the Father, here to protect and serve our fellow brothers and sisters, air, water, sea and flora… we vow to serve God’s constitution without worry about our reputations and legacy on the lines. And we invite you to do the same and receive a lifetime Meek Membership in return.
We’ll send you a hat, a rain poncho or medal/patch/lapel pin to slap on your wardrobe in front of the cameras–it will be our little inside joke–kinda like the one you have with the Trump campaign and Fox News speaking the Republic’s positions without an official diplomatic public acknowledgement.
Look, it’s wonderful that both of you are openly God loving men, but we’re asking more of your daily behavior as it relates to being one of us on a divine, even esoteric level. We’re asking your highest selves to activate just as the Lord has activated ours with this burdening currency exchange so that together we can truly service the meek of the earth and not give it lip service.
You see gentlemen, we too are on the hook with God because our prayers were answered just as we believe yours were with regards to restoring the Republic. We’re all in this together. We need you to have our backs during this exchange and transition process, and you need us to serve the undeserved because lets face it… you’ll personally never engage the poor like we will, and thus without us, you’ll be neglecting the most vulnerable in society.
And while your rationale of continued public silence may be well intentioned, security and/or peace motivated, the fact remains you’re still publicly playing small with your words and information flow, thus impeding those of us burdened in the humanitarian community from accomplishing our soul covenants–which directly means you are indirectly impeding the Will of God–which always ends in disaster–just ask the dark cabal of which you have been fighting for over a decade.
So make your country proud post-election tonight, and speak the hard truth, let the fucking RV go, and trust that God the Father will protect and serve us all beyond man’s wildest hopes, dreams, expectations and best military strategies. God is our only hope. Not drones and dummy redemption locations. All we’re asking is that you do not disappoint God in your future leadership. We believe in you, because we trust God has put great men in charge of our Republic and together with us, the meek, we will all make right choices to propel our nation forward in overt service of God the Father.
Also know that if you do not rise to this occasion, and intentionally continue to contribute to the ignorance of mankind, you are in violation of the primary galactic tenant of GESARA–full disclosure of all truth to the human race. This includes, by the way, the sovereign resetting of monetary value for man-made currencies of the world as all are now revalued against that precious metal spot benchmark in Shanghai. As all individual souls are now deemed sovereign by GESARA, and thus why the meek of the earth are being elevated to such elevated status so quickly.
So please kind sirs, don’t insult our intelligence and no more holding back what you know to protect us. You’re really just hurting us all at this point now. No more lying to yourself in the dark of night that somehow mass ignorance is the best way to protect and govern the meek versus mass education. Like you, we have been Chosen also to speak the truth to power and must do so fearlessly, undaunted in our approach, in the name and love of God the Father. If not, we too shall pay the steep price of ignoring our soul covenant.
No more non-performance gentlemen. No more silence. Please just tell us the cold, hard truth… and let us allow God the Father to help us handle the information and move forward a united force of grace and mercy in His image.
One last item honorable gentlemen before we leave each other, please hear what IAM about to share with from my heart to yours. You are free. You Paul, free. And you Joe, free. Both free to act as God instructs your heart. So is every politician general, mass population and oppressed nation. Free. And nothing in this great big universe can or will harm us by Heavenly Decree if we rise up together in faith and act harmoniously with the desired Will of God the Father.
GESARA is just a man-made bridge into a much richer dimension of experience, a pathway to more meaningful spiritual truths about our planet, our species and our nation. Together, we constituted the Will of God as God intended. Let God be our shared North Star in all future decision making. Let God’s voice be the only one you hear when making restored Republic final decisions. Align your heart with God and trust that the Lord is speaking to you directly and telling you the best way to accomplish–humanity deserves more than just a better way.
Please kind sirs, join us as one of the meek of the earth. Leave your titles and accomplishments at the door and grab some ZIM to disburse our to the masses at these unthinkable sovereign rates gift by God the Father. Surrender as innocence servants of the Most High, and shed those man-made fancy titles and over indulgent entitlements, pretty patches and shinny medals. Come on guys, seriously it all just goes back in the box once we are done playing the game of life anyway. Lead in faith not in fantasy. Let it go, all of it, now. It just burdens your ascension and ya know that to be true in your soul.
Share the truth with humanity after the election tonight, and be sincere. Be honest. Be truthful. Paul and Joe, don’t be Presidential and speak to us in General Military speak, just speak from your heart. The world will accept you whatever you may sound like or appear as. We understand your burdens for we understand the responsibilities of the blessings bestowed to us all now. Please accept our invitation to join our club, there’s nearly 8 billion of us already with earthly Meek Membership. And the only requirement to join God’s Army is by sincere surrender through the heart of Christ Jesus, of which all your other accomplishments, accolades and legacies are rendered utterly paltry and completely irrelevant in comparison.
Surrender now, Paul. We love you.
Surrender now, Joe. We love you.
God is with us.