Celebration Day
By Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba
November 08, 2016
I am Porda known as Papa Force of the Mushaba Family. I come to you today on the heels of my dear brother Ohmnipure who recently delivered a beautiful message through Nancy Tate. I come to add my flavor to the recipe of life. Today marks “A day of great change” in the world of humanity as well as for us in the galactic worlds for we are all one. All of what has been going on behind the scenes are about to manifest in the view of all of humanity, not only here in the Republic of the United States of America, but the world! It is change that has been long awaited. It is here, no matter how you cut it! It has never been this close before in all of human history. It is so close that you can feel the heat of its breath on your face!
Humanity has triumphed even though in the outer view of things it looks otherwise. So many have cried out to spirit, to the Galactics, to God and Goddess, to Creator, asking when we will see it for ourselves. Why are we still suffering under the rule of the Cabal elite since they are supposed to be gone and done with? Today marks that day! Today marks the beginning of the end of the tyranny and illegal rule of humanity for what happens today on the shores of America the Beautiful, will affect the shores of every nation on earth!
You will finally see that what you have worked for has not been in vain. We have always heard your voice and we have answered you but in ways that eluded you. Not because we didn’t want you to know, but because you were so pre-occupied in doubt, misgivings, anger, pain and so forth. That is what was interfering in your being able to hear us as and in one voice! We understood why so many of you felt that way and experienced those emotions. That simply motivated us on our side of the veil to work even more diligently to bring this to a conclusion.
Today it will be self evident that all that has been going behind the scenes will come forth in increments as it can be absorbed by the people. So much has gone on and it would literally blow your brain cells if you knew what so many had to endure, suffer through, and even pay the ultimate price. Today let us put our arms out and reach for the heavens and bring heaven to earth.
Once again I ask you all to proclaim along with us here in Spirit,
“Free At Last, Free At Last, Thank The God Within We are Free At Last!!!
I am Porda and I leave you for a moment, but with a wide grin and deep and abiding love!