Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings dearest brothers and sisters! I am St. Germaine, holder of the Violet Flame, your companion during this journey of love and co-creation, your family and ally, always.
I come here to congratulate you! I am here to rise my crystal glass full of the amethyst elixir. I am here to salute thee and help you step forward and have the courage to join me in this next adventure that we are to take together. Yes, I am daring you to join this next webinar with the Mother, with Linda Dillon, with the entire Council.
I am here to invite you to join me in the next few weeks, to dare you to look inside your sweet selves and see what you are inspired to bring forward. What is it that your heart is yearning to manifest and that you have not been willing to face due to fear? Fear that it may be too grand, too unusual, weird, utopian, or “out there,” call it what you will because it makes no difference to me or to the Mother.
I am here to tell you that it is easy to bring love into form and to mold it into gold and silver, into riches of all types and sorts.
And let me tell you something that you know already but are not admitting to yourselves…each and every one of you see love, gold and silver, the abundance in so many beautiful and unique ways. Each and every one of you are more than capable of enriching life in wonderfully creative ways. And all you really need is a small push, a little encouragement to dive into the fullness and the wholeness of who you are.
Let me take away from thee all these last blockages and deterrents which are preventing you from stepping fully into your skillful and all-knowing creator selves. Let me remove and dissolve those last few fears and doubts that you have in your sweet selves. Let me erase the beliefs that you are separated from us, and from the Source that would never ever create anything that is less than love and light. And so you see, and therefore, like us, you will never be able to create anything that is less than perfect as well, for we are one.
We had lots of discussions regarding your ability to bring into form—good and bad, or better said, undesirable, for bad is only the other end of the spectrum—depending on what you allow to sit and linger in your personal fields. Or, you are afraid that your egos are asking you or influencing you to work on projects that are not useful, or which may even be damaging to others. Let go of these fears in this moment! Let me take them all from you for they are holding you unnecessarily in a state of wanting and insecurity.
You all have your clues and knowing senses fully activated so that you can easily discern when there is some type of manifestation that is less than in alignment with the highest and the greatest good of all. You all know when your attention and energies are focusing on low vibrational dimensions, and you are quick to regroup and redirect, even before one of your guides sends you any warning signs and clues.
And so, rest assured that when you are anchored into the seventh dimension of love, of Christ Consciousness and above, as all of you here are, well, just know that there will only be miracles galore, greatness and goodness for you and all, that your master and creator selves will be bringing on with grace and ease.
It is fun, it is joy, it is what we all have been waiting for! Just take my hand and come with me, take my hand and join the circle of the creative council.
I will leave you now with amethyst sparkle of bountiful joy and love. See you soon. Farewell.
By Permission.
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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