Saints: Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Seraphim of Sarov
I would like to start a story about another group of representatives of the Forces of Light, to whom people turn quite often and who, just like the Angels and Archangels, have chosen as their mission Service to people from the subtle plane of the Earth.
And we will talk about those whom you are used to calling Saints .
But first I would like to talk in more detail about this concept itself.
What is holiness in your generally accepted understanding and who is considered a Saint?
As a rule, these are the so-called great martyrs, sufferers, and very rarely they turn out to be those who lived a happy life on Earth.
Why do people so often associate the Saint with a victim who often gave his life for the Faith?
First of all, because this happened to Yeshua, which became a kind of criterion for holiness.
Have you ever thought about why the church canonizes sacrifice and suffering?
Why are these people with tragic destinies set as examples for others and why are they worshiped as Saints?
Why does suffering become an object of imitation, which is reflected even in such statements of yours as “Jesus endured and commanded us”?
Why are the expressions on the faces of the Saints on icons filled with sorrow?
And all because, my dears, those who created religion with all its attributes feed on the energies of pain and suffering, and not on the energies of happiness and joy.
Their breeding ground is exclusively negative energies, and by all means available to them they try to force people to live according to these “canons”.
Since you and I have already talked a lot about religion and religious figures, I will not repeat myself.
My current goal is to show you that, despite all the tricks of the reptilians, many great bright souls who once lived on Earth really became Saints for you, but not because they were canonized by the church, since all this three-dimensional tinsel has no meaning they have no meaning, but because during their lifetime they existed in the energies of Love and Compassion, which they generously shared with others.
And now, being in the subtle worlds, they have chosen Service to man as their mission, continuing from there to share the Divine energy of Love with people, thereby alleviating their suffering and helping them in difficult times.
But before moving on to describe the interaction of these great souls with man, I would like to dwell on one more feature of the so-called holiness.
You should know, my dears, that not all those whom the church calls Saints are actually such.
Sometimes those who committed real crimes in the bosom of the church, hypocritically hiding behind the name of God, were canonized as Saints.
But despite all the tricks of the clergy, people intuitively always identified the true Saints – ascetics and healers of human souls: they felt their high vibrations, Light and Love coming from them.
Such Saints became especially revered, close and beloved for people, to whom they turned in difficult times, and they responded to their call, sending their help and support.
It is these Saints that will be discussed in my next messages.
Let’s continue the conversation about who the Saints are and how they manage to help a person from the subtle plane of the Earth.
As you already know from the previous message , holiness by human standards is a very relative concept.
Thus, people officially canonized as Saints, who once lived on Earth, may not have been such at all, and, on the contrary, those who were persecuted by the church were in fact great bright souls who continued to help people even after of his departure from the earthly plane.
And there are many such examples. Sometimes the church was forced to canonize those whom people intuitively worshiped, feeling their help and support from Heaven.
And a striking example of this was the Matrona of Moscow, whom the people themselves chose as a Saint and whose relics are now kept as a relic.
Why is it so important for a person to touch the relics or icon of the Saint he reveres?
Only because, while still in the realities of the three-dimensional world, they want to have tangible proof that the Saints really exist.
This is especially important for those who do not yet feel energy and cannot communicate telepathically with beings living in the subtle worlds.
In addition, the icon of a Saint or his incorruptible relics are a kind of portal into the world where this Saint lives – an energy bridge connecting him and the person who turns to him.
Why do miracles of healing sometimes occur when people touch holy relics?
Such direct contact helps a person to energetically connect with the Celestial Being and thereby absorb his high-vibrational healing energies.
But the higher your own vibrations become, the less you need such a material fetish, since you are already able to reach the vibrations of the Saint, laying an energetic bridge between him and you with your feelings, thoughts and intentions.
I know that many of you are already doing this: mentally turning to your beloved Saints for advice and support and feeling that they hear them.
This feedback can be expressed in different ways.
Someone can even physically feel their light, gentle touch.
Someone will feel their loving energies spreading warmly in the heart chakra or throughout the body.
And someone will receive from them an answer to a question that worries him in the form of an insight – a suddenly flashed thought, sometimes unexpected for the person himself.
Sometimes the Saints take a person under their protection and guide him through life, sending him signs and tips through his Guardian Angel.
And many people feel this when they turn to that Saint who has established an energetic connection with them.
What criteria are the Saints guided by when choosing their wards on Earth?
First of all, they patronize people who go out to Service and live for others.
This is exactly how they themselves, embodied on Earth, once lived, so they know well what hard work it is and what a huge responsibility.
They, like the Guardian Angel of this person, always try to be near him, insuring him and protecting him from dangers.
These are the very Spiritual Guides who lead you through life, protecting you from spiritual fall and paving the way for you to the Light.
They can also be called Guardian Angels, but only those who live in higher worlds.
These are your Spiritual mentors and patrons – invaluable helpers on your earthly path.
Let’s continue the conversation about the interaction of Light Souls living on the subtle plane with people incarnated on Earth.
But first I would like to tell you about the worlds in which those whom you call Saints live.
In fact, they represent a unique layer, the peculiarity of which is the ability of its inhabitants to preserve the individual qualities and character traits of their last incarnation on Earth.
In other words, these are those who deliberately slowed down the advancement of their Soul into higher dimensions to gain new experiences in order to maximally help the inhabitants of the Earth to rise to a new level of their spiritual development.
And this has become especially relevant now – during the Transition.
Why did these Souls choose such a fate for themselves?
First of all, because of the enormous Love and Compassion for humanity.
Unlike you, being on the subtle plane, they perfectly see everything that is happening now on your planet.
They see who rules the world and what their real plans are.
They understand how defenseless a person is in front of the so-called “powers of this world,” since people are not allowed to see more than what they are allowed to see and know, because almost all sources of information are in the hands of a bunch of NON-humans who have captured your planet.
A person is driven into a narrow framework of obedience at all levels of his life and in all its areas.
And this degradation of the consciousness of Divine beings embodied in physical bodies painfully wounds those who once already walked a similar path on Earth.
They cannot look indifferently at how systematically and persistently work is being carried out to destroy the Divine essence of man – how in this “progressive” and technologically advanced society a person becomes an even greater slave than in the times when they themselves lived on this Earth.
It pains them to see how rapidly all universal human values, family traditions, relationships between men and women are being destroyed, and how all kinds of perversions and unnatural norms and habits are persistently imposed on a person.
Therefore, having sacrificed their own spiritual interests, they chose to serve people in this difficult period for them of restructuring their lives, their consciousness and even their physical bodies.
They happily participated in the great experiment of the Transition of your Earth and its inhabitants into a new energy space.
And now, at the final stage of this experiment, their help to people is especially valuable and tangible.
These great Souls are trying to take as many people as possible under their protection and help them overcome the last most difficult steps on the path to the Transition.
And in the next message I will tell you in more detail about what exactly their help consists of.
And now we will talk about those Saints to whom people are accustomed to turn most often.
And first of all, these are those whom you call Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.
And we will start with my beloved son Yeshua .
He was one of the few who managed to fulfill the mission on Earth for which he incarnated.
But doing this turned out to be much more difficult for him than he expected when planning his great incarnation in the subtle worlds.
No exception was made for him, and he came to Earth with his memory erased.
And despite the fact that the Higher Powers of the Universe literally led him by the hand, one way or another pointing him in the direction he needed, he nevertheless plunged quite deeply into the three-dimensional world, knowing all aspects of its existence – human sorrows and joys.
He did not become a hermit or a sage, observing what was happening from the outside, but plunged headlong into the whirlpool of life.
Having golden hands, he worked a lot, which gave him pleasure.
He experienced a strong, all-consuming love for a woman, and, of course, Mary Magdalene – his twin flame – was sent to him by fate for a reason.
It was she who complemented him in everything, supported him and helped to complete his mission on a truly universal scale.
This Divine symbiosis of the male and female principles, their complete energetic fusion helped Yeshua enter full-fledged Service for the benefit of humanity.
But at the same time it made his task more difficult.
Having learned the joys of a happy family life, it was very painful for him to part with his beloved wife and children.
But it was precisely thanks to his complete immersion in the life of an ordinary person that he was able to deeply feel all the needs, joys and sorrows of the people of that time.
He became one of them, which allowed him to find the right approach to these people, those simple and understandable words that revealed the essence of existence clearly and clearly, which really captivated people and aroused extraordinary trust in this person.
And this continues to this day, my dears.
Intuitively, many of you feel that it is this Bright Soul that is capable, like no one else, of understanding you and accepting you as you are – with all your strengths and weaknesses, and helping you in the most difficult moments of your life.
Many call Yeshua God, and they are not far from the truth.
His Soul truly resides in a world of very high vibrations – in eighth density, where it continues its Service to people, fragmenting itself into myriads of particles, each of which carries within itself its infinite Love, Kindness and Compassion.
He truly hears everyone who turns to him, feels his pain and, overcoming the huge vibrational gap that exists between you, tries to alleviate your suffering.
But the principle of his interaction with man, like that of all Saints, remains unchanged: it is always based on Divine expediency.
And for him these are not empty words, since his own life on Earth at the time when he was incarnated on it as Yeshua, fully corresponded to this unshakable principle, the main goal of which is the spiritual development of man.
This great Soul continues its mission of saving humanity to this day, and not only from the subtle plane.
Thousands of particles of this Soul are now embodied on Earth, and many of them have gone to Service, to one degree or another helping to awaken people and realize their Divine essence.
In this truly great Time of Change, the role of Yeshua is more significant than ever, since it is he who is the symbol of the Ascension for people, and now he leads the whole Earth along with its best sons and daughters.
Today I will tell you about the Virgin Mary , who for many believers, like Yeshua, is a symbol of holiness.
Unlike her son, she did not come to Earth in that famous incarnation with any specific mission.
But the fact that Yeshua chose her as his mother even before his descent to Earth, of course, was not accidental.
This bright Soul was able to sense the originality of her child and direct his development along a rather unusual course for those times.
The fact that Mary gave Yeshua to the Essenes sect played a decisive role in his spiritual development and helped him take the path destined for him.
Of course, the legend of the Immaculate Conception is just a beautiful fairy tale invented by churchmen to give a mystical coloring to the personality of Jesus Christ.
They needed an idol for worship, and not a living, cheerful, happy person telling people about God and their own involvement in him in the simplest words, using funny life stories, parables and folk legends.
Just as biblical history distorted the very personality of Yeshua and his true teaching, so it distorted the very fact of his birth.
It was the church that made the Holy Virgin Mary, although during her life she was the most ordinary woman from a poor family who helped her husband Joseph earn a living by doing various jobs in rich houses.
But her own wealth was natural wisdom, extraordinary kindness and responsiveness, which she instilled in her beloved son from childhood.
She supported Yeshua in all his endeavors, because she felt his extraordinary spiritual strength and ability to lead people.
Mary drank the cup of suffering to the end, having survived his tragic departure from the earthly plane.
But even after this, she found the strength not only to continue living, but also to bring Love and Goodness to people, and also to preach the Teachings of her son, as Mary Magdalene did.
Thanks to the feat of motherhood, her Soul, after leaving the earthly plane, made a sharp evolutionary leap, rising to the level of the seventh dimension, where she chose the mission of Service to humanity.
She has always helped and continues to help earthly mothers especially a lot, because like no one else she understands their pain and suffering for their beloved children.
And people feel this, turning to her every time their Soul is restless, asking her for patronage and protection.
And she sends them all her tenderness, kindness and Love, trying to ease their suffering and show them a way out of difficult life situations.
This woman is truly a Saint, because even during her lifetime she was able to understand and accept the mission of her only son and his death for the good of humanity.
His Ascension became for her not just a sacrifice, but a living illustration of his Teaching that every person is a piece of God.
And now, being on the subtle plane of the Earth, she is trying to help all other mothers realize this.
She does everything possible to ensure that they not only take care of their children, but also believe in their spiritual strength and natural abilities, not only love them, but also respect their Free Will.
Just like the other Saints, she does this subtly and imperceptibly, using the help of her many assistants, and especially the Guardian Angels of people who are capable of assisting them on the physical plane.
The Motherly Love of the Virgin Mary is truly limitless.
And many people, feeling this, turn to her for help and support as a close and dear person.
And believe me, my family, she hears each of you.
Thank her and love her the same way she loves you!
I would like to tell you about someone to whom the official religion has a very ambivalent attitude, but who is a Saint by right of her participation in the feat of Yeshua.
And we will talk about Mary Magdalene .
In fact, she played a huge role in Yeshua’s life, as she was a faithful assistant in all his affairs.
She grew and developed spiritually with him.
Their energetic and spiritual fusion became the foundation on which Yeshua’s ascetic life was built.
The extraordinary femininity of Mary Magdalene, her tenderness and Love highlighted the masculine qualities of Yeshua, strengthened the strength of his Spirit and Faith in himself.
They were always and everywhere together.
The difficulties of nomadic life brought them together even more, and the light and cheerful disposition of both helped them overcome all the obstacles that came their way with optimism and faith in a better future.
Of course, the main trials fell on Mary Magdalene after Yeshua left the earthly plane.
But knowing all the subtleties of the Creator’s grandiose plan, she courageously accepted the pre-planned Crucifixion and Ascension of her beloved husband, worthy of playing her role in this Divine performance, destined to remain for centuries in the souls and hearts of people.
Fortunately, she also knew about Yeshua’s ability to leave the body, and therefore not experience suffering on the cross.
And after his Ascension, she continued to communicate with Yeshua telepathically until the end of her earthly days.
Thus, their Souls continued to exist in a single energy space, with the only difference being that one of them moved into the subtle worlds, and the other continued its life in the physical body.
Everything that Mary Magdalene did after Yeshua’s departure can be confidently called a continuation of his work on Earth.
She tried not only to preserve his true Teaching, but also to carry it further – to Europe, where she soon moved with her daughter and Yeshua’s mother Maria.
And despite the fact that the role of a woman in those days was belittled in every possible way, she still managed to sow the seed of truth in the minds of thousands of people, and many revered her as a Saint during her lifetime.
After her physical death, she reunited with Yeshua on the subtle plane, from where they continued their Service together for the benefit of humanity.
And now, when the Earth enters the Age of Aquarius – the era of feminine energies, thousands of particles of the great Soul of Mary Magdalene have incarnated on your planet.
Some of them went into full-fledged Service, helping people develop spiritually, while others simply bring tenderness, love, kindness and endless femininity into this world, the embodiment of which was and remains the other half of Yeshua – his Twin Flame – Mary Magdalene.
She is truly a Saint – this extraordinary woman who managed to become the main support in the life of the one whom people revere as the son of God Jesus Christ.
And now she, along with Yeshua, gives her Love to everyone who turns to her for help, and helps people overcome the last steps leading them to the Transition to a new dimension.
And the fact that she is not so revered among the people can only be explained by the fact that the churchmen distorted her true essence and belittled her role in the life of Yeshua, deliberately hiding the truth from people.
Turn to her for help, my dear ones, just as you turn to your beloved Jesus and the Virgin Mary, and she will definitely respond to your call.
I will tell you about one of the most beloved and revered Russian Saints – Seraphim of Sarov .
Why do so many of you feel his presence and help so clearly?
Why did he become close and dear to many, many people?
First of all, because people feel the greatness of his Soul and at the same time his simplicity and accessibility, his boundless Love for people.
He is a little different from other Saints, and first of all, energetically.
The fact is that Seraphim of Sarov is a piece of the Soul of Yeshua, embodied on Earth at a difficult time for it.
And his Ministry, to which he devoted so many years of his life, is a continuation of the work of Yeshua on Earth.
Despite the fact that the name of Seraphim of Sarov is an integral part of the Russian Orthodox Church, which canonized him as a Saint, his consciousness during his lifetime went far beyond the boundaries of orthodox religion.
What he preached to people was nothing more than the Teachings of Yeshua in its purest form, and even the examples that he used in conversations with people were similar to those that Yeshua gave in his time – figurative, clear, understandable to the simple person.
He himself knew who he was, but he understood that the time had not yet come to reveal to people the knowledge about reincarnation and the disclosure of SUCH truth would not benefit anyone.
Therefore, in conversations with people, he found a certain compromise that allowed him to convey to them the true Teachings of Yeshua, without going beyond the generally accepted Orthodox faith.
And yet you may notice that the prayers compiled by Seraphim of Sarov differ from the canonical church prayers.
They carry true wisdom and depth, which are based on the Laws of the Universe, not distorted by official religion.
And people felt his exclusivity – the extraordinary purity of his Soul, not clouded by any manifestations of external influences on it.
After her departure from the earthly plane, this great Soul continued her Service to man in the image of Seraphim of Sarov, since helping people was her natural state even before that.
Thus, once again physically incarnating on Earth and leaving a deep imprint in human memory, the Soul of Yeshua became even closer to people through another part of itself, which was able, having overcome all the obstacles standing in the way of a person of the three-dimensional world, to enter the great spiritual Service in order bring people closer to the true Creator.
And now the Soul of Seraphim of Sarov is closer to you than ever, because, having overcome all vibrational barriers, he is trying to help every person who has set foot on the path of Ascension to reach the end and overcome the line that separates you from life on the new beautiful Earth of the Fifth Dimension.
Call on him, my dear ones, as often as possible, and you will definitely feel his presence – soft, gentle and loving.
And he will lead you by the hand, like a loving Father leads his child, not letting him fall and protecting him from all obstacles that come his way.
To be continued…