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 Sananda and One Who Serves via James McConnell and Shoshanna, December 15th, 2024



 Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on December 15, 2024. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website ( and join there


Sananda Channeling – minute (18:20)

I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time, in these quite tumultuous times, as it is beginning now, more and more to be so, more and more of you are awakening to what has been happening for quite some time.  What has been happening behind the scenes, even though you do not yet fully know and understand all that is occurring, you know that the truth is coming forward, and you know that the truth will continue to come forward, and that nothing can stop that from happening now, because you are destined, all of you are destined to be a part of this new expression of love and high consciousness here on the planet.

You are the ones again, we have said many times that are the catalyst for all of this.  So you just simply need to sit back and relax and watch, watch the show, watch the movie continue to play out, and know indeed that it is a movie; no matter what is happening in your news stations, whatever the media is bringing forth, whatever it might be, know that it is part of the plan.

Nothing that is going on is not part of the plan, and you must understand that, even those things that appear to be negative are part of the plan, for even though they appear to be negative, are they really?

Ask yourself that, ask yourself as various things are presented to you, for you to have an inquiry about, for you to wonder about, but all of that is a part of the expression of the new golden age of Gaia.

And yes, there are those now that are speaking about the golden age, even those in your governments are beginning to speak of this, certainly you know of one man that has been bringing this forth, for he is destined, he is destined to bring about a revolution here on this planet, and he is doing exactly as he was meant to do.

And there are many more around him that are joining forces, not only here in this country of the United States for America, but across the world, various leaders across the world will join hands with this one, and those that surround him will join hands and become a part of the new expression of the golden age of Gaia.

So you, those of you, you the awakened ones, you the way showers, continue to do what you came here to do, to show the way wherever you have an opportunity, even though it may appear to those that you show it to, that you are crazy, that you do not know what you are talking about, know deep within yourself that you do, that you have the inner knowing, and it is to come forth, it is coming forth, and it is to continue to come forth, as the truth, as the truth will continue to not only set yourselves free, but all those around you that are also ready to be set free, that are also ready to rise in vibrational frequency and consciousness, those that are ready to welcome the new dawn, the new golden age, the new dawn coming forward, and it is coming forward, and will culminate when the time is right, when the vibrational frequency reaches the point where the solar flash can happen, and that time is approaching.

But before that there are many things yet that need to come forward, many truths to come forward, many tumultuous times yet to move through, but you will be able to move through them without the fear that will be generated by those who are attempting to generate that fear, but you know, just as you knew at the time of the COVID virus, you knew at that time that there was nothing to fear.

The same is true now, as various things come forward, various moments and various tumultuous times to come forward to spread fear, but you know it is all again part of the movie and continue to see it as such, because as you do see it in that way, you will prepare yourselves more and more for your own personal ascension, and as you prepare more and more for your personal ascension, you are helping to ready all of those that are ready for the collective ascension as well.

I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue to allow the process to move forward, and have no fear as all that is occurring is a part of the plan.

Questions & Answers with One Who Serves and Shoshanna (24:56)

Master OWS

Om Mani Padmai Om Ma Om Mani Padmai Om Ma Om Greetings to you. One Who Serves here and Shoshanna is here and we are ready to answer your questions if you have them.

Would there be any questions for One Who Serves and Shoshanna here?


Yes, I have a question.

Master OWS



Okay, so when we get to the new earth and the other side, you know, pass through the ascension portal or whatever we want to call that, so you know, like you see the movie “What Dreams May Come”, for instance, with Robin Williams, you know, this whole magical world was created.  Well, for instance, if I want to create, for instance, something like maybe a fair; I love fairs, you know, it is just something I really love.  Then there are other people involved in that, other individuals involved in that, right?  So how does that happen?  Somebody else wants to create maybe a symphony or a ball or, you know, a dance or, like how do, I’m guessing maybe we send out some sort of a psychic message – who wants to be involved in this, come be involved in this? I mean, and I’m curious too, that what we have then after the ascension, all the abilities we had in any lifetime such as to play a musical instrument of any kind that we may have learned how to play?

Master OWS

We will tell you that it is all about the attraction process.

So just as you have had within your third dimensional illusion and attraction process and attracted those to you that were like-minded and like-consciousness at various points within your life, so too will you do the same, but at a higher-consciousness level.

So you will create your world, your personal world, which will interact with those that are attracted to that personal world and will become the collective world also.

So just as you created this illusion as a collective, you will create the new golden age of Gaia as a collective as well. The personal within the collective, you see. So if you wish to create a fair as you are saying, then those will be attracted to you to be a part of that fair, you see.

So you are very much correct here, but understand that there will be a period of time we will say here where there will be a learning process. You will learn, just as you learn to walk when you are a child, you will learn to walk again in this higher vibrational frequency. And at some point you will even be able to fly. Okay?

Shoshanna, do you have anything you add here?

Master Shoshanna

Well, we believe that you have answered sufficiently and as you were speaking, we were, the words, it was as if the words were ours. We would have said exactly the same thing, that it is an attraction process, that the gathering that you create on this higher plane is, matches your idea of joy and fun. It just matches it. So there would be a gathering in that respect.

So we don’t really have something new to add, but we have a little more to share. May we share their sister?


Yes, please.

Master Shoshanna

When you speak of a musical instrument, we will tell you that music at this level of consciousness is the words of God, is the words of source, is the vibration of source. So as you choose to play an instrument, yes, you will know how to play it. There is no learning process there. And as you choose that, you will find that a great symphony will take place, and that others will join you. And the angelic realm will also join you to create a beautiful symphony of sounds that the universe was built on. You see, that is what you have to look forward to, namaste.


Wow, that’s great.

And just as clarified, so whether I even learned it in any lifetime, I’ll just know how to play it, even if I didn’t learn it in any lifetime?

Master Shoshanna

Yes, because dear sister, at that level of consciousness, you already are the instrument. You are one of it.


Oh, that’s so great. I can’t wait, I can’t wait, thank you.

Master Shoshanna

Yes, namaste.

Master OWS

We give you here the understanding from your movie, The Matrix (which was really a documentary).  Was he not able to learn the martial arts right there in moments? You see.  That is what you are looking at here.


Wow, so that’s true about multiple things. They’re not just instruments.  Wow, that’s a great thing.

Master Shoshanna

It is what you wish to be one with.

Master OWS


Master Shoshanna

So what you wish to be one with will become one with you. That is how it works. Yes, isn’t that exciting, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good. Are there further questions here?


Well, I have question.

Master OWS



Is there a being that supports, that some people call your twin flame or some entity that we’re supposed to connect up with in particular in this lifetime? I’m still not clear on how that works.  So if there is… Besides our high…

Master OWS

Your question, is there a twin flame?

Yes.  Certainly there is a twin flame. Everyone has one. And at whatever time within the attraction process is right, you will attract that connection once again to you. When your vibrational frequency matches the one that is your twin flame, you will have a reunion. That is how it works.  Okay?

Shoshanna do you have anything to add?

Master Shoshanna

Well, we can add to that if you wish dear sister?


Please, yes.

Master Shoshanna

This idea of your twin flame, is just this.  Your twin flame knows of you, and may not be present on the planet that you reside on, maybe in higher realms waiting for you.

So that when you reach that level, that vibration, you will rejoin, you see.  But it is not necessarily here at this third dimensional level, namaste.


Thank you, Thank you.

Master OWS

Very good, any further questions here?


I have a question.

Master OWS



I was reading about all the things, the destruction of all that the dark factions took away from us, of beautiful, magnificent, and beautiful structures that were built by ancient builders, and that they were, they created the earthquakes and floods and to get rid of that, so we didn’t have that historical memory.  Are they going to come back? or are we going to, we’re going to see, be able to see these magnificent structures from the past?

Master OWS

We will certainly, all of this will come back and more than this. So it will be a grand, grand time you are looking ahead here. We cannot be very specific here as so many things that have been lost will be re-found here.

Shoshana, do you have anything?

Master Shoshanna

Well, we can add here, if you wish for us to give our perspective dear sister?


Yes, please.

Master Shoshanna

Dear sister, we find many magnificent structures that remain on your planet, fascinating, beautiful, architecture, magnificence that may not be in your area of the planet, but they exist. And we will tell you that if you follow, if you follow the one Trump, he has visited Paris recently to re-erect one of those structures.  And he is on board. And he also, because he was a builder himself, wishes for the magnificence of this architecture to be re-erected in your area of the world. And it will be, you see, that is part of the golden age.

But we must tell you that if you look, you will find many, many magnificent structures exist now to be loved and cherished, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good.


Thank you very much.

Master OWS

Any further questions here?


Yes, I’ll ask a question.

Master OWS



Would you mind commenting on the agenda behind all the drones that are showing up around the planet?

Master OWS

How did we know that this question would come up here? And what we can tell is not very much, because it is not time. It is not the right vibrational frequency at this point for you to know exactly what is occurring.  But understand that Sananda gave, “nothing is happening by happenstance” here.  Everything is for a reason.  So even what appears to be negative may not be so negative.  You see, it is all part of the plan.  You have a saying, “get that through your heads”. It is all part of the plan.

We cannot say any more than that about it. We cannot tell you what they are, why they are here at this point. For it is a process that you need to go through that needs to happen in order to understand the reason behind all that is occurring. And not only this, but many more things that are going to be brought through here as well. Including, and we will just give a slight hint here, including new portals and gateways that are going to be opening. That is just a hint though.

Shoshana, do you have something that you wish to say?

Master Shoshanna

Well, we have agreed, and we will give our perspective on this if we may dear brother?


Oh yes, please do, please.

Master Shoshanna

Dear brother, something interesting is occurring as we have been given the same information that One Who Serves has given, that it is part of the plan.  But we have not been given details, and this is odd for us because most questions we have the details, but this time we do not.

So what we would say; which we find interesting, but what we would say is that watch the show, get your popcorn, because it is a show, and it is part of the plan. And that is the information we have been given that it is part of the plan, and it is part of the awakening process.

But we remain confused just as you do, namaste.


Thank you. We are in grand time.

Master Shoshanna

Yes, we are. Cheers!

Master OWS

Any further questions here before we release the channel here?


Yes, I have a quick question.

Master OWS



Can from the question right before, can we also extrapolate that everything that happens in our lives is also based on a higher level plan, and that there really is, if you change your perspective, there really is no negativity?

Master OWS

Most definitely. All that is happening within you as an individual is part of your greater plan, and all that is part of your greater plan is a part of the greater collective plan as well. All is connected, you see.

Master Shoshanna

We wish to add here.

Master OWS

Yes, please do.

Master Shoshanna

May we add our perspective?


Of course you can dear sister.

Master Shoshanna

Yes, dear brother, the one caveat in all of this, is that you have a free will planet. It is a free will experiment so that when you incarnate, you have the choice to follow your plan or not. You have the choice of that in each moment, each opportunity, each choice is an opportunity to follow the plan.

What you must get really good at is listening to your higher-self, so that when a choice comes-up, you choose your plan. You choose the route you devised for yourself before you incarnated, you see.  But very often, humans do not listen, and they veer off in a different direction and find themselves wondering why their life is not working out, you see.

But the point is, that if your life doesn’t appear to be working out, it is because you did not take the road that you devised for yourself prior to incarnation, you see.  But you can make a right turn or a left turn, whatever turn it is that you wish to make, to get back on that road. But it is very important to learn, to listen, and follow.

Does this make sense to your brother?


Yes, and I would actually say it’s a movement of following my heart versus following my mind.

Master Shoshanna

Yes, because your brain is a computer, it has nothing to do with the plan.  Your heart knows everything. That is correct, namaste.


Namaste, thank you.

Master OWS

And we need to release channel here, Shoshanna, do you have a parting message here?

Master Shoshanna

Well, we will just say that everything is working out, and the timing is perfect. That is what we will say, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good. And we simply say, again, just watch the movie. Watch it play out, and do not become attached to anything in that movie as it plays out.

Shanti, peace be with you. Be the one!

Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website ( and join there