Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell
Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self
These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on December 29, 2024. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)
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Sananda Channeling – Minute (20:19)
I am Sananda,
And I come to be with you at this time in these times of great changes, great changes that are right on the cusp of coming into fruition. Know that you are the catalyst for all these changes. You each one of you as individuals and as a collective. You are bringing about these changes everywhere as the way showers.
And know that these changes are going to become more and more rapid in the times ahead, in your next year. Major changes will be here, will be coming. But I do not want to interfere with that, which will be your New Year’s Eve call that is coming up, where those changes will be spoken of in more depth, somewhat in a sense of prediction, but always in a sense of possibility and potential. That is what you are all looking at now, possibility and potential moving forward.
Everything, everything that you have known in the past, will become much, much different as you move forward.
But that is the way it needs to be. For as you have heard many times, the third dimensional expression, the so-called reality of the third dimension, you will more and more realize it is simply an illusion, an illusion that you have all created together. But just as you have created this third dimensional illusion, you will be able to create the new fifth dimensional and beyond expression and that new reality, that new reality that will no longer be an illusion, because you will be the creator of it.
So know that as the times move ahead here. Know that you are the creator and do what you can to create. Create with your very thoughts, your thoughts, create. Your thoughts lead to belief. And once you begin to believe, then a knowing comes over you. And once that knowing is there, then anything, and I do mean anything, becomes possible, because it is part of the potentiality of the higher expressions, the higher consciousness expressions. And that is what you are all moving toward. That is what you came here for. You that volunteer to be here in this time, in this expression, as the third dimensional illusion collapses, and yes indeed it shall collapse. That is how it must happen.
For those that are not ready for the changes, will not become a part of those changes. You have heard this before, the separation of the wheat from the chaff. That is what you are looking at moving forward. But it is all a part of the creation. The creation expression, that is, is what you came here for, to bring this about, to bring these changes forward, to bring the truth forward. And the truth is coming forward everywhere. And will continue to do so.
And again, those that are not ready to hear the truth will not accept it. But those of you that came here to realize the truth, to bring the truth forward, you are the ones that shall move forward in this new expression of your creation.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now, in peace and love and goodness, and that you continue to move forward day-to-day, moment-to-moments, but being in that now moment more and more, and realize that the past does not hold you back anymore unless you allow it to do so.
Move forward, always move forward.
Question & Answer – Minute (25:22)
Master OWS
Ohm mani Padme Hum, Ohn mani Padme Hum, Ohm, Ohm, Om, Greetings to you, one who serves here and Shoshanna, is here, and we are ready to assist you in your questions if you have them, and before we do, though, we just wish to say that we are looking forward to your New Year’s Eve show or call or even a celebration, and indeed it shall be a celebration.
What are you celebrating? You are celebrating not only the end of the year that has just passed in the beginning of the next, but you are celebrating the advent of a whole new life for yourselves moving forward, yourselves as individuals and yourselves as a collective consciousness, always moving forward and learning from the past but forgetting that past more and more because the past is no longer important to any of you. For that is the old story, the stories that have been told over and over and over and over you need to forget those stories and move on into the perfect now and begin to think of it as the perfect now moment.
We are ready for your questions if you have them.
I have a question.
Master OWS
The different information sources that I have heard, and I think it has also been on this call that there is supposed to be a gigantic surprise for everyone on this planet about something in the skies.
And I just bought a book, an audio book called Project Blue Beam Exposed. And I’m pretty sure you probably won’t be able to say yes or no, but I want to ask the question anyway. Is that going to be the gigantic surprise
that will surprise everyone on the planet?
Master OWS
We will tell you this dear one. The Project Blue Beam has been in the works for quite some time. Those of the dark forces have been working this plan out to bring about changes that they want to happen in order to keep you from the changes that you want to happen. In other words, to keep you in the status quo, to keep you in a controlled state.
So this Project Blue Beam has been known about thou for quite some time by both sides, both the sides of the dark and both the sides of the light as well. And the sides of the light, the light forces are not going to allow for this plan to take effect here. They may attempt to do so, but it will not be successful because those of the galactic family, they are also aware of this, as they are part of this white hat alliance, you see. And they will do everything they can to interfere with those plans if they attempt to bring this forward. Think about this.
The forces of darkness show their holograms in the sky. And people everywhere are amazed by this and some are fearful of this and so on and so on. But the forces of light and those of The Galactics will not allow the fear to spread here. For what if they then truly showed themselves, you see. So the very act of bringing about this Project Blue Beam could be the very thing that brings about full disclosure.
Which those of the forces of darkness do not want, you see. So they will likely not move forward with this plan, except maybe in small circumstances here. That is how we can answer this. Perhaps Shoshanna has more that can give here?
Master Shoshanna
Well, we can share here. May we share your brother?
Sure. Tell me what you know.
Master Shoshanna
What I know, dear brother, is that Project Blue Beam has been dismantled. It is no longer, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. That is quite a revelation there, no?
I wasted my money on the book, huh?
Master Shoshanna
We will add here, dear brother, that there are individuals that are not up to speed. They are writing about things that are no longer because they do not have the information that you have and that we have. They do not know. They are giving information based on their discoveries of things that have long passed.
This is the plight of written material you see. This is often the case. So we do not think you wasted your money on the book. We think that you perhaps were attracted to it and wanted clarification and that is how that works.
However, we stand by our understanding and our knowledge that this project Blue Beam is dismantled. It is no longer, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. Are there further questions here?
Greetings, I wish inquire about how or what the plan is, to deal with personalities that are demon-like on this planet, personnel, you know, person people that have narcissistic or psychopath personalities because, you know, as I contemplate my years on this planet, I realize that most everyone is… most everyone are good people, but there are certain types of souls that are clearly more of a demonic nature.
And we are kind of mixed up with them. It is almost like here on the planet you have angels, humans,
and demons all playing together. And, you know, I feel that fixing the planet is simple if it was just angels and humans. But, you know, what do we do about the demons? How can we transition into a fifth-dimensional vibration
when, you know, these type of personalities that are very unlikely to change are with us? How, What is the plan for that? Thank you.
Master OWS
We will tell you that this is certainly the separation of the wheat from the chaff that has been spoken of. It is the vibrational frequency that continues to increase, but more than the vibrational frequency, but consciousness that continues to increase. And as this consciousness continues to increase and that vibrational frequency as well, then those that are not of that frequency will not be able to withstand the changes as they come. And they will depart from this planet.
However, they do so will be up to their plan that they came in with. And to those of the forces of light
that assist in this process, to remove those ones that cannot be here in this vibration and continue to attempt to hold the vibration down, which they will not be allowed to do so. Okay?
Shoshanna, do you have something you…?
Master Shoshanna
We have a question for this one. May we ask out questions, dear brother?
Master Shoshanna
Dear brother, what is your personal experience with this? This is an interesting question, so you must have a personal experience that would cause you to ask this.
Yes, it has been my observation with relatives and acquaintances, that there are some type of personalities and they are just evil, or that they are very… They don’t quite learn or assimilate goodness like others.
And it just seems like we are, we are mixed with here with not just humanoids and angels, that there are some entities and some people, that are of a different… they are simply of a different consciousness and they are not going to change or swap in one lifetime. So, you know, I think it’s interesting and there must be a purpose for why we are mixed with them. But I was just wondering, you know, what is going to happen?
Master Shoshanna
We will answer you if we may. There, here is the truth about this, this particular situation. You can acknowledge and give power to those that are negative, that are, you call demons, you can acknowledge them and give them power, which will allow them into your life, into your circle.
If you give them no power and no acknowledgment, they cannot encroach upon you. That is your power, you see. So, for example, we will give an example of the one known as as Fauci. The one known as Fauci has been given much power through the acknowledgment of others. The others that acknowledge him and raise him up is the reason he has the power. He would have no power if there was no acknowledgment, you see.
So, in your everyday life, in your movement of your life, you have the choice to give power to those
that are negative, power to those that would harm you. So, you must be very conscious and you must be very discreet about this and be conscious of those that might step into your circle and that you would deny them space, you see, you would deny them access to you. Now, that is the lesson!
That is why they are here so that you can’t acknowledge your own power. What we find here, all of you that are made in this likeness of your source, likeness of your God, that you do not know that you have this power. And there must be experiences in your life that will remind you of this power.
That is one of those, you see. There are many. But one big one is the demons, the evil, the sociopath, those that are within your planet that will attempt to encroach upon you. This is your chance to acknowledge your own power and push them away. Does this make sense to your brothers?
Wonderful. Thank you so much.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, Namaste.
Master OWS
And we give an analogy here and go to your myth of the vampires and how when one is attempting to enter, you have a closed window. If you open the window in this myth of yours, the vampire can enter. You can say demons or whatever here as well. But if you keep the window closed, they have no access to you.
So keep the windows closed for all of you.
Master Shoshanna
May we add another thing?
Master Shoshanna
We will add that it is the same with the angel. It is the same with the human. You must give them permission, you see. An angel cannot protect you, unless you give them permission to protect you. That you have that consciousness, you see. Many do not. Many do not even know that they exist and do not give them permission. Once you give a light being, permission to come into your circle and protect you, they are always there, you see.
So this is the same, the human permission to enter your sphere, then they are there until you do not give them permission. That is how it works, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. Are there other questions here?
Are there questions?
I have a question.
Master OWS
One of the things you talked about earlier about the subject blue beam. I was wondering, I heard some channel that there is going to be the emergency broadcast system where they have control of our phones and they are going to do a mass disclosure. Just a mass thing, because I guess there is a lot of activity, of people trying to thwart president Trump from getting inaugurated. But they are going to do a mass emergency broadcast system where they just disclose like crazy. Have you heard anything about that? Is that something in the future?
Master OWS
We will tell you, although we cannot give exact dates or time or anything of the day. We will tell you, it is part of the plan. And whether it manifests or not, is still up in the air, we will say here. There is certainly a very strong potential and possibility that it shall occur in the times ahead here.
Again, we cannot give date or time or even that it will happen, but it is very likely at this point that it could manifest here. And of course, it is the forces of light that are the ones that are behind this. So it will bring great disclosure, and we will bring great truth coming forward. If it is indeed manifested.
Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?
Master Shoshanna
Well, we have a perspective that we might share if you wish for us to share dear sister?
Yes, please.
Master Shoshanna
Dear sister, there is a movement called the Great Awakening that you are witnessing. The Great Awakening is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and a heart to understand the movement, you see. So, this is what is occurring, the Great Awakening.
We promise you that there are more awake now on the planet than asleep. There has been an overtaking, a percentage increase greatly of those that are awake, you see. What the “white hats” or those that watch over us have been given, the instruction that they have been given is to observe the organic process of the Great Awakening. And that as it proceeds, there is less and less and less need for a shock wave to occur because this is occurring organically.
Now, we do not know if this will occur, but what we do know is that there are more and more people that are waking up to the truth and that will support the movement, will support the change. The things that you see on your news, on your mainstream news, are planted. It’s a narrative that they are pushing out, in hopes that you will change your mind and go back to sleep. But that is not going to happen. You cannot watch a news channel and go back to sleep. Once you are awake, you are awake, you see. There is no going back.
So once again, we will tell you that this great organic change that is occurring, this great awakening is happening quickly and will be sponsored by many, more than half, more than 70% of your world population, so do not be concerned. If we have a, if they see a need to wake up the other 30%, then perhaps they will do it quickly, but we do not see that. We see this continuing as a free will experiment, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. And we are needing to release channel. We take one more question. If there is one, otherwise, we are ready to do it?
Nothing further, then Shoshanna, do you have parking message?
Master Shoshanna
We will say to be a good cheer that all is happening and unfolding as planned, and that you must ride the wave,
go as a flow, continue to open your eyes, continue to open your ears and open your heart. As what will occur rapidly now in the ensuing years, will be the golden age, will become the golden age, and you are a part of this.
How exciting is that? Namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. And we say here, you have a saying “changes in the air”, and we will say to embody those changes as they come forward.
Shanti, peace be with you. Be the one!
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.
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