Sunday, November 13th, 2016
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Sananda and I want to tell you something today. I am here to inaugurate your new world that right now has opened up many doors for humanity to pass through – many doors with blessings for you all. Do not be afraid to open these doors now, dear children on Earth. There are many gifts to be found there. These are gifts for you and your fellow man and woman. Spread these gifts as the tree spreads its seeds. Each and everyone of these seeds can take hold and grow to something big – something large and sustainable for all to take part of.
This is the time of liberation, dear children on Earth. You can start to loosen your shackles and open up for freedom and the possibilities that exist within you. They will then also manifest in your outer reality. Now is when you should sing and laugh and let go of all fear that is stuck in your body. We will gladly help you with this. This is the time for opportunities and you can get all you have dreamt about and more. As long as you lift up your eyes towards the sky and welcome all that is happening there – Everything that is for the best and highest for people and animals.
See your fellow man and woman, see your children, see and understand that all is good and full of joy. Enjoy your moments, enjoy the time and follow your heart’s song. Listen and you will hear it sing a song of joy for the New Time that is here. It wants to spread the light that now has reached the Earth with a mighty force. It is the Light that wants to heal and transform all that is dark and full of fear. The time is “now” dear children on Earth. The New Time is here and many are those that have adopted the light and started the groundbreaking. They understand that the time is here for humanity to turn its dark history to one of Light and Love. They understand that we all are “one” and that we must help each other, so that all can have a light and loving existence.
Everything that lives and moves on Earth have the right to love and respect, as all has come from Our Father, or if you want, the hand of the Highest – they Highest Source, from which you all came and that you all strive to return to. You have taken a step back towards this Source now, dear children. The joy is great up here as the time for our reunion is approaching with great speed. They are holding their breath now and follow developments on Earth with great attention. It is now that all can have the chance to wake up and get all they need to move on in their spiritual developments – A development that leads them home to their families that do not wish anything else than to get to see them again.
It is a large task that you have in front of you, but many of you are already prepared and have planned their part in saving this world and its population for a better life, where love and health are words of honor. A good health gives a good life, good food, pure water and an understanding of what you yourself and Earth needs to feel well. A change must happen here for the benefit of Earth as the giver of life she is. She needs to be given all conditions to heal her earth and her water so that you can heal your bodies in order for you to fully become “one” with your self. A healthy and sound body gives a healthy and sound soul. This is what is the most important that you can do for yourself and your Earth now. Let the work begin dear children on Earth. The time is here and we are here with you daily, and follow your work.
Great love from all of us masters and guides. We love you! We are with you! We follow you wherever you go now. Call on us and we will help and heal whatever you ask for.
May My Wings Embrace You all!
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan
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