I am “Sananda”. I come with this new energy. It was spoken that there would be a new energy and this is it. It is not a being. It is not a Galactic brother or sister. It is your energy. It is your love personified into the higher vibrations, vibrations that you have not known for a very long time. But you remember. Each and every one of you remembers this vibration at some level within you.
So, trust that. Trust that you are that vibration. That you carry it at all times. Just as I, as Jeshua, carried the Christ vibration so do you carry the Christ vibration, each and every one of you? Very soon it will be time to let that vibration out to all that you come in contact with. Not for all to know that you are the Christ but to sense it, to feel it, to see that there is something different about you. Something is special, not in the egoic sense, but special because you carry this vibration, that you are this vibration. And as this new vibration, you are all bringing about the new changes that are coming.
As you see these things come out in the news, your alternative and other news. And you wonder is this real. And you use your discernment over and over. I tell you now, as “Sananda”, with all of those mentoring to you now; I will tell you that those times are very short. Soon you will be reading, hearing many different news reports and you will not have to wonder any more, is this real? You will not have to ask if you are making this up or is the one who has prepared the report making this up?
As you have heard many times, the truth shall set you free. The truth is coming. The truth is out there. It is being made known to you, even now, as I speak. There are many truths. Many parts of truth that are a part of the illusion that you are in. But there is only one truth and that truth is you. You are the truth. You are the Way, the truth and the life.
So know this as many things begin to come forward. Many new understandings. Many new levels of what are considered the truth come forward. Those of you who have been acclimated to these many energies will hear these things and nod yes, we knew this all along. While others around you wonder, is the Earth falling apart? Are we doomed? Is this what is spoken of in the Bible, is this the end times?
And you will laugh slightly and answer, “No my friends, my brothers and my sisters, this is only the beginning. This is the beginning of the New Age. The beginning of a new understanding of Oneness.”
But for those of you, when you come to this, you will remember that this is what you came from. This is what you knew before. Oneness. Service. This is what you are all about. This is what you are all returning to. But you return to this knowing that you have been through the wringer. You have been through many turmoil’s.
Because of going through all of these many turmoil’s you have grown greatly. With this growth and this strength you have acquired you will be able to assist many. When the time comes and I reach out to each one of you, and ask you the question, “Will you be a part of this mission? Will you be a part of the Council of Twelve? “
You will be able to give your answer. Many have already done this at the higher vibrations within you. It will be coming very shortly when your conscious knowing self will be answering that question.
I am “Sananda” and I leave you now with all of my peace and love be with you, for we are in this together and we will continue to be in this together. Until the day when you find yourself on the bridge of the New Jerusalem or on many levels of the New Jerusalem where I, myself, come to be with you in person.
Peace and love be with all of you.