
Love is our new reality

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The Andromedans via Vera, November 9th

Green grass under blue sky

Our beloved brothers and sisters on planet Earth, 

Yes, many are in shock right now. Cannot understand what has happened. How did we end up here? We are telling you, that what you experience now is a very good thing and very necessary. Humanity is healing. The deeply buried wounds and fears from the past that you share collectively are coming to the surface. Triggered by the events of the last days: The suppression of the feminine, the persecution of minorities, the fear of losing control, the fear of losing security, the mistrust, the loneliness, the feeling of separation.

“We are here to congratulate you. Unconsciously you have voted for your deep healing. For your return to authenticity. For your return to freedom.”

And we are here to congratulate you. Unconsciously you have voted for your deep healing. For your return to authenticity. For your return to true freedom. For your awakening to a new reality. For your expansion of your consciousness. You have been kicked out of your collective comfort zone to find back to unity, oneness and compassion. This is all that counts now. CommUNITY. You are about to find out that you don’t need any leaders but that it is each and everyone of you leading this process and change. From within. You will rediscover that you are all part of the same organism and that all of you play an important role in its healing and growth back into the true human, free of fear, illnesses and pain.


Yes, you are afraid, many feel like ailing on the floor like a wounded deer, not able to run away from what you fear most any longer. You feel naked, vulnerable and incredibly angry and sad.

And we are here to tell you: Embrace your vulnerability. It is your greatest gift. Your vulnerability brings you back in touch with your feelings, with your ability to sense energy, with your own existence. The real you. This is a time for deep healing. Relax into the unknown, care about and love yourself and others, see how everything around you is a mere reflection of your current state of being. That is true for you as an individual as it is for the collective.

This is a time to not longer hide from yourself or others. With an attitude of openness and acceptance, you heal. Not only yourself but everyone and everything around you.

“This is a time to not longer hide from yourself or others. With an attitude of openness and acceptance, you heal. Not only yourself, but everyone and everything around you.”

Get out of your head, drop all worries, don’t let your ego take over. Get into your heart, feel how these events unite you with everything and everyone around you and what a great opportunity this offers to take your power back. You are not a victim of your reality, you are the creator of your reality. Creativity comes from your soul and heart. Access it and use it for the greater good.


Yes, you cannot believe that yet. Nevertheless, we ask you to give this new perspective a chance. You are still hurting and carrying around your wounds. With your ego, your whole being is a wound. Nobody intends to hurt you. As long as you are still in the illusion of separation, each one of you is just protecting your own wounds and projecting them onto those that trigger you. This is the difference to the enlightened ones amongst you. Those that have dropped all fears and choose love every day. Those that have moved beyond separation and the sensation of duality, those that have healed their wounds, those that embrace everything as is and see the purpose in all that is. They cannot be hurt. They have healed. They are whole. So instead of judging or blaming others, be aware of your collective wounds. Don’t let it grow by going down the road of fear. Instead, allow yourself to feel the emotions without attachment. Let them go with gratitude. Embrace them as an old acquaintance that you wish farewell forever.

“Accept what is instead of reacting or fighting it. Reacting to fear with fear will create more of it. Reacting to fear with love will transform it into love.”

Accept what is, instead of reacting on or fighting it. Reacting to fear with fear will create more of it. Reacting to fear with love will transform it into love. Calm down and find your inner balance in the here and now. That is your only reality. That is where you are always safe. You will be surprised how quickly things will change and fall into place for you. As an individual, and for the collective.


Yes, it seems frightening. But if you could see what we can already see so clearly, you would be very calm. You would be so at peace. You would feel the intense joy of the higher dimensions and feel the energies of heaven on earth already: This is the beginning of the Golden Age. New Earth. You are growing so much in such a fast manner.  All is in perfect Divine order. We are incredibly proud of you. We are always with you. We love you.

“This is the beginning of the Golden Age. New Earth. You are growing so much in such a fast manner. All is in perfect Divine order. We are incredibly proud of you. We are always with you. We love you.”

The texts I share are always based on channelings I receive and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg

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