
Love is our new reality

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Sananda via John Smallman, January 3d, 2017


Jesus Audio Blog for Tuesday January 3rd

2017 will be a very interesting and intriguing year because much of a very unexpected nature in human terms will occur.  Your awakening process has many facets each one affecting different places and people in a most beneficial and uplifting fashion.  2017 is a year in which the changes for which you have been hoping and praying for eons – that is those of you aware of the intense need for change – changes that will result in peace in many parts of the planet that have suffered wars and conflicts for a very long time in Earth terms.

All want peace, but there remains a small percentage of humanity on Earth that refuses to awaken, a section that is caught up in the egoic fascination with and the resultant need for power.  Although the percentage is very small, the number involved, as you can easily imagine, is rather large.  They are ensnared by their high human intelligence which it seems to them will enable them to rule the world forever.  Of course an illusion is an illusion and the power available in an illusion is therefore completely illusory.  There are numerous instances throughout your history of people believing themselves to be invincible and in that conviction destroying nations through war to achieve their ridiculous ambitions.  Of course they have all always failed.  Nevertheless they have brought intense pain and suffering into the lives of those they ruled.  This will no longer occur because their activities will be restricted – don’t forget that the illusion is a state of limitation and restriction – to areas of the planet where the effects of their unloving activities will be minimalized, and where those who have chosen to participate will be able to continue with their insane egoic agendas, while finding their plans and abilities severely curtailed.

The collective wants peace and is intensifying its intent that peace shall prevail worldwide, therefore those who would engage in conflict and war will find their options to do so severely curtailed, and the numbers of areas of the world in which they can play their unloving games reducing radically.  Humanity wants peace and so peace will prevail as unloving behaviors cease and people all across the world refuse to engage in hostilities to resolve issues that are dividing them.

All now realize that the way forward is guided and directed by the power of Love, the only Real power.  Love embraces and integrates all into Itself, whereas hatred and bitterness always divide, separate, and destroy, leaving nothing with which to rebuild what has been destroyed.  Nothing Real can be damaged in any way, let alone be destroyed.  So take heart beloved Light bearers, Light workers, and awakening ones because you are fully supported in every moment as you carry out your individual earthly tasks that are absolutely essential, and which you chose to undertake in full Love and Wisdom to help humans everywhere to awaken, as they most definitely will.

The year ahead is filled with divine opportunities for people of all races, colors, religious and political persuasions to come together in Love.  As I keep telling you, there is only LOVE!  Nothing else is real, what you see and experience as humans, however real it may seem, is temporary and will pass.  What is Real is eternal.  You will return to Reality, your true Home, Oneness, complete integration with Source, God, All That Is.  Of course you are already there, it just seems to you, as you engage with the illusion, that you are separate, alone, abandoned, unseen, unloved, and uncared for, whereas in fact nothing could be further from the Truth!

Love embraces and envelops all of creation, there is nowhere and no consciousness that is not enveloped in the divine folds of Love.  It is your eternal Home from which you have never been separated, and from which you never could be separated, even for the briefest moment.

Yes, you do experience separation, however, it is but an unreal imaginary state that you chose to enter into in order to understand what it meant.  And, as your experience has shown you again and again, it is a state of confusion and chaos in which you have the potential to create things of great beauty, as some of you most definitely do, beautifully.  But, for the most part, there is also much pain and suffering when you choose to operate as separated individual beings who need to protect themselves from the dangers that threaten them constantly.  And of course the danger feared is but an attack from another human.   And when that occurs it is but an attack by oneself upon oneself.

You all desperately want Love.  Of course you do because It is your natural state, and to be apparently cut off from It is terrifying, so you deny your needs and spend your time building defenses against the inevitable pain and suffering that seems to be a very normal part of life as a human.  And because you deny your needs and close off your hearts very little of what you need flows into you, just enough to enable you to maintain your human form, often with illnesses of varying kinds adding to your fear and discomfort.

It is time for you to awaken and shake off the fear that has been undermining your self-acceptance, your self-esteem, your awareness that you are One with God always and inseparably.  As you have been told again and again and as I tell you again now “You are perfect, each and every single individual one of you, because you are as God created you, and NOTHING can ever change that.”

Make a point daily, morning and evening, of reminding yourselves of this undeniable truth.  Your egos may well attempt to discourage or dissuade you from knowing this, but deep within yourselves you do know this, so allow yourselves access to this inner truth about yourselves, because it is the only truth about yourselves.  When you truly accept and acknowledge this Love will flow abundantly into you and through you to all with whom you interact and to all with whom they interact.  That is your task, it is simple, it is essential, and you are doing it right now.  BUT, by allowing yourselves access to this inner knowledge, the power of your Love intensifies enormously, and that is why you incarnated at this point.  You are here to demonstrate Love in action by being Love in action.  It is your natural state, the Love will always flow unless you refuse to accept yourselves and thus block or reduce the flow by your denial of It.

You are Love, you cannot possibly be anything but Love, so admit it, share it, and be filled with joy, as is God’s only wish for you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.