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St Germain via James McConnell, July 5

St. Germain

July 5, 2015

Channel: James McConnell

I am “St. Germain”. It is very good to be with you in this way at this time. It was good to speak with you two Advances ago about this day you just yesterday, the Fourth of July. But know that the Fourth of July, as you know it and the way it is celebrated in this country was not the way it was supposed to be.

For how many of you and those that you know really understand what this day has meant to this country and yes, even to the world. For it was a day that was to be free, a day to signify the freedom for all of this country and eventually, to the entire world.

But, as you know, that has not happened. Yes, there are many here in this country who think they are free. Who think they can do whatever they want and live a life that they want. To many it seems so. But those of you who have listened to many sources know that you are not truly free, and have not been free for a long time.

For as the forefathers who developed, who created this country and had plans, ideas and ideals to bring it forth and to put all of that into motion. There have been those that have come through and usurped all of their great ideals.

You call yourself a democracy here in this country but that was not what it was meant to be. You are a Republic and a Republic again you shall be. For a Republic becomes all that it was meant to be for men to be free, where all men and women are truly equal.

You have those times coming ahead. Very soon now, within the next several months, you will begin to see many different changes. But many of these changes were begun back in your 1776. It is only now when those who have taken control of this system and created this democracy, once they are gone they will no longer control. Incidentally, they have lost much of their control now.

Once their control is completely eliminated you will have the freedom that was meant to be. The freedom that those who were gathered in that room, before signing the Declaration of Independence, and there I was with them. They looked at each other and would not sign this document. They were afraid. There was fear. They knew that whoever signed this document signaled their own death, giving them a death sentence.

But yet, as I looked around this room and saw it in their faces. I saw the fear, yes, but I also saw that which would overcome the fear. I saw the resolve in each of them. A resolve to be free. I stood up and I addressed the gathering there. I spoke to that resolve, of the need to be free. Yes, I believe I was quite eloquent at that time. But it was not my eloquence that won them over. It was their inner knowing of what could be.

One by one they overcame their fear. Their resolve took over and they stepped up one by one to the table and signed their name. Even knowing that at the moment they signed, they would be signing their death sentence. Yet they signed. Yet they came forth.

It is today, now, so many years ahead in the future from that moment that there are those again that have that resolve, that have that freedom in mind but this time, not just for a country but for an entire planet. For there are those across this entire planet that want freedom. And freedom they shall have. Freedom you shall all have. For you all have that resolve in you.

And it will come forth and it is coming forth just as it did then. I can tell you now, as you look ahead, and this exercise you just did was meant to show you this. As you look ahead, a year from now, and the changes that you saw, your idea of the Fourth of July will never be the same as it was yesterday!

I am St. Germain. I am with you now and will continue to be with you as these many changes begin to happen. You will show forth that very resolve that was within those who came before you.

All of my peace and love be with each of you. I leave you now.