My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is, within your hearts, a tiny spot that you can think of as a doorway to the universe. You call this your “spark of the Divine” but in reality you are all “sparks of the Divine.” There is nothing outside of Divine love.
Nonetheless, you experience yourselves in a physical reality. You experience yourselves as separate. Although you expand into universes and melt into oneness in much the same was as a wave expands and melts into the ocean, it is challenging to experience this reality.
When you do touch upon the experience of this truth, you start to remember who you are. Your problems are seen as they truly are – lessons or illusions. You receive answers. You feel comforted, and emerge more confident.
This is why so many of you meditate. This is why you love to be in love. This is why you enjoy nature, singing, creating, or whatever it is you love. Love is expansive. Love immerses you in the present moment. Love takes you temporarily outside of time and into the Presence of a greater Love. It doesn’t matter whether or not you love yourself, another, a sunset, or your ice cream… Love is the truth that removes you from all illusions.
Human love, for any of these things, is fleeting and depends on its object. Divine love, like the ocean is always waiting for you to sink back into it and relax into its embrace.
There are many methods to experience this love. There are many doorways. One is through the point in the center of your chest, that tiny doorway in the energetic heart.
Take a breath. See if you can imagine or feel a tiny spark of light inside of the center of your chest, just to the right of the physical heart. Focus on it with your imagination.
To open that doorway, imagine anything or anyone you love, great or small. The feeling is what matters. Focus on the love. Focus on that tiny point of light in your heart. If you like, close your eyes and take a moment to feel the love activate that energy in your heart.
As you feel this love, imagine it spiraling outward and filling you. You are turning to light. You relax into it. You don’t have to do a thing. You simply allow it to expand within you, fill you, flow through you and correct any ills, any upsets, or entangled thoughts. Just sit, breathe, and allow the light to flow through the heart and expand within you.
That light is always there. In truth, it is always flowing through you. However, by using exercises like these you allow your mind to stop resisting the experience. You start to become aware of the light that is already there. You start to feel it. You allow it to flood into your “experience” of reality and it starts to give you a happier, and healthier experience of life as well.
Dear ones we love you. Allow yourself the experience of this eternal and constant love, and it will improve your life as well as pour forth into the lives of those you touch. “Growth” could not be simpler!”
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
» Source – Channel: Ann Albers