My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Each and every one of you is a a magnificent creator. At every moment you are creating – both consciously and unconsciously. In every second that you are upon the earth, you have the opportunity to move forward into greater awareness or to fall back into unconscious patterns. With every breath you can consciously choose a more loving reality or unconsciously choose the reality you have been programmed to expect.
Every moment is ripe with potential. You get to decide how you will use it.
If you look at those whose lives have been interrupted by natural disasters, for example, you’ll see that many are more awake, more alive, more present, more aware, and more loving than ever before. No longer able to operate routinely, entire communities awaken to the present moment and to the love that flows between them.
Suddenly “love your neighbor as yourself” takes on new meaning. You have to save your own life. You have to save your neighbor. People share food. They encourage one another. They look out for each other and they give thanks for what they do have, even while mourning the losses. They care for the animals.
Some people die and return to a greater love than you can possibly imagine. Some are injured and learn that even when they’re not in control they are cared for and loved. Some, sadly cling to their beliefs and their suffering even as the forces of nature try to provide a classroom opportunity to wash those debilitating beliefs away.
The opportunities for love are there in each moment. Even in unthinkably difficult situations the Source is whispering, always trying to awaken you to its Love and kinder reality. Even in the disasters we are walking with you and guiding you.
We are there holding people’s hands and hearts as the winds blow and the waters rise. We are sending neighbors to help neighbors, inspiring first responders to look where they will find those in need of rescue. We are giving the infirm ideas about who to reach out to for help. We are escorting the dying – both humans and animals – into the glorious light of love. We are guiding lost puppies to loving care. We are comforting the injured. We are there with each and every person involved, doing everything that their free will, beliefs, and choices allow for.
We love you so much. We try to help you avoid suffering, long before you manifest the experience of it. Even if the sum total of your beliefs and choices has guided you into hardship, we are there, working to help you find your way back to a kinder, loving reality… one loving choice at at time.
In each and every moment – in the calm and the storm – choosing to believe in, receive, and share love is your path into kinder realities.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels