Greetings, we are the Arcturians.
We always look forward to our communications with you. Thank you for this Transmission.
Many individuals, in these precious moments of their lives, are grappling with the challenges of coping with the complexities of everyday existence. Life can often feel overwhelming. When you find yourself unable to witness any positivity or light in your surroundings, it becomes crucial to understand that the power to change your circumstances lies solely within you. No one else possesses the ability to alter your state of being or your outlook on life; that responsibility rests firmly on your shoulders. Positive experiences are not merely handed to you; they manifest when you actively choose to express positivity and embrace a hopeful mindset. If all you perceive is chaos and turmoil in your environment, it may be time to take a step back, reflect, and metaphorically ‘clean your room’–to create order and clarity in your personal space and mind.
Part of the ascension process involves taking full ownership of your own life and claiming responsibility for achieving the desires that reside in your heart. This journey of consciousness expansion, which accompanies ascension, represents a significant upgrade in your manifestation abilities. In practical terms, this means that the things you wish for can come to fruition at a much quicker pace than before. The universe responds to your intentions with greater speed and accuracy when you align your thoughts and feelings with positivity and clarity.
By consciously shifting your perspective regarding your personal reality, you engage in the active process of manifesting what you truly desire in your life. This transformation requires introspection, and a willingness to challenge the narratives you have built around your circumstances. What might be holding you back from reaching your full potential? Perhaps you believe it is your financial situation, the location where you currently reside, or even the individuals with whom you share your living space. It’s important to recognize that all of these factors are subject to change. However, the key to transformation lies in your willingness to take decisive action to alter your reality. For instance, if you feel trapped by a lack of financial resources to move to a more desirable location, consider exploring new job opportunities that align with your skills and passions. It may also be worth remembering to not hold any expectations on how your circumstances should change, which could be limiting your options. The road to your desired outcome may not be what you personally want it to be. For example, if you need a car, focus the desired vehicle, and just allow the universe to do its work. Try not to control how you receive that car. Any contributions you add by your thoughts and actions can either help or hinder this process.
Many people often claim that they cannot pursue their dreams or make necessary changes because of external circumstances. However, the underlying truth is that fear of change often holds them back. Humans naturally gravitate towards comfort and familiarity, and as a result, they may choose to remain in their current situations rather than take the bold steps required to achieve their desires. In the face of negativity that surrounds you, it is not uncommon, for individuals to lose the ability to dream, and envision a better future for themselves. Now is the time to reconnect with those dreams, to recognize and release, what no longer serves your highest good, and to step boldly towards your desires and life purpose.
As you transition into this new phase of your ascension, you will discover that your manifestation abilities are significantly heightened. Everything you focus on is manifesting and coming to fruition much faster than ever before. This increase in your Light Abilities, is precisely why those who wish to exert control over you, are attempting to amplify negative emotions and distractions in your life. They are leveraging your enhanced abilities against you, striving to create their desired outcomes of conflict and chaos. It is essential to step back into your own power, embracing the Light that resides within you. Redirect your focus toward all that embodies Love and Light, and cultivate the courage necessary to advance towards your deepest desires.
Remember, you carry within you the Light of the Infinite Creator, which supports and empowers you every step of the way on your journey.
We are Here with you, Serving Humanity in Love and Light.