Inter-dimensional Communication–The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Inter-dimensional Communication
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Third Dimensional Communication occurs within the Physical World of polarities, separation, time and space. It is best perceived with your physical qualities of hearing, seeing, and smelling.
Third dimensional Communication is best achieved by listening both to what you are saying, as well as what the person you are speaking to is saying.
Fourth Dimensional Communication occurs within the Astral World while you are preparing for birth, death, and/or transmutation of your consciousness and/or physical form.
Fourth Dimensional Communication is best activated by creativity, during dreams, meditations and/or near death experiences. Fourth Dimensional Communication is best achieved by activating your creative energy field and loving your third dimensional reality.
Fifth Dimensional Communication occurs within the “NOW of the ONE” of the fifth dimension via surrendering your consciousness to your Fifth Dimensional Self, who speaks the Light Language of:
Clairvoyance, Seeing higher dimensions,
Clairaudience, Hearing higher dimensions,
and Clairsentience, Feeling higher dimensional realities.
Inter-dimensional Communication occurs while you are in a higher state of consciousness and allowing your Higher Self to communicate with you via:
Surrendering your physical form into the experience of meditation,
Experiencing and remembering your higher dimensional dreams,
Remembering your multidimensional communication by:
Transmuting your 3D communications of time and space
into your 5D communications concepts of the HERE and NOW of Light Language
Summary from your Higher SELF,
Dear Higher SELF,
How are we doing today, or actually, how am I doing?
Am I connecting with you within this NOW or is it just my imagination?
Dear ONE,
Your imagination is fifth dimensional thought. Therefore, when you are connecting with your imagination, you are connecting with your fifth dimensional SELF. Yes, it is good to get out of your daily life so that you can discover that which you miss, as opposed to that which you are complete with, but cannot find the time to release
You may have found that if you love sharing your process with others by talking with, writing to, and drawing pictures that are evoked by you meditations, you are connecting with your fifth dimensional SELF.
It is also helpful to get out of your daily life so that you can discover that which you miss, as opposed to that which you are complete with, but you cannot “find the time” to release. You may find that you love sharing your process of returning to your fifth dimensional SELF with others.
Dear One, please remember that your imagination is your fifth dimensional thought. Therefore if you are connecting wit your imagination, you are connecting with your fifth dimensional SELF.
It is very beneficial if you can get far out of your daily routine so that you can discover that which you miss, as opposed to that which you are complete with, but cannot “find the time to release it.”
If you share your process with others via writing, drawing, and speaking people, as well as with Gaia’s sweet Nature Creatures, while you are also connecting with the imagination of your fifth dimensional SELF.
It is also helpful to get far out of your daily life so that you can discover that which you miss as opposed to that which you are complete with, but may have not found the “time” to release.
Remember, you just may find that you will love sharing your process with others via writing, talking, drawing, making pictures and having meditations. It is great to get far out of your daily life so that you can discover that which you miss, as opposed to that which you are complete, but have not released.
You may find that you love sharing your process with others, as well as grounding it into the body of Gaia. Your higher dimensional friends, as well as Gaia, are also ready to share this NOW of transmutation with you.
As you awaken more and more to your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF, your perception of reality will totally change. For one thing, “separation” is very different once you start seeing everyone’s, and everything’s aura.
For all your third dimensional incarnations you have seen the edges of all life that make you feel separate from all reality. It is that “sense of separation” from each other, from Gaia, and from the higher dimensions of your reality.
However, as you become increasingly fifth dimensional in your consciousness, you will begin to perceive your outer world, as being a component of your inner world. Then, as your fifth dimensional consciousness and perceptions begin to “come more and more online with your daily life,” you will begin to perceive components of reality that you have never experienced before.
For example, auras will be a natural part of your perceptual field in the same manner that you can perceive shadows in your present perceptual field. As your fifth dimensional perceptions com “on line” with your mental expectations, you will begin to see the light of every part of your physical world.
Just as humans are changing bit-by-bit every day in an exponential manner, all life on planet Earth is also shifting into a higher frequency. At first this process is confusing to the awakening ones because the “higher light” will make it much easier to perceive “the darkness.”
Therefore, we are asking our awakening one to release all judgment, assessment and comparisons until you have a deep understanding of what is occurring in your reality, as well as the manner in which you are adapting to these transitions.
We remind you that if you are waiting for a certain “time” for “things to happen,” please remember that TIME IS AN ILLUSION OF THE THIRD DIMENSION. Hence, instead of “waiting for a certain time” in which thing will begin to occur, remember that you are not on Gaia for your personal ascension.
Remember that you are not having a personal ascension in which you can “fly” off beyond the confines of the physical world. Instead, the entire physical world is right HERE and New Earth is right NOW.
Just as humans are changing bit-by-bit in an exponential manner, Earth’s entire reality is changing as well. However, as your fifth dimensional consciousness and perceptions “come on line” in your human consciousness, you will increasingly perceive components of reality that your have never experienced before.
For example, just as shadows are a natural component of your third dimensional perceptions, the auras of all living beings will be a natural part of your perceptions in your fifth dimensional world.
As your 5D perceptions come “on line” you will see the light of every physical being, as well as the darkness. There will be no more hiding of ones intentions, as they will easily ready by everyone.
Furthermore, as you fifth dimensional consciousness and perceptions come online in your human consciousness you will perceive components of reality that you have experienced before, such as the Galactic Starships and Galactic Beings who have entered Earth’s aura to assist ALL of Gaia’s beings with their transmutation.
This transmutation will begin with the very elements of elementals of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether. Please understand that this process is not like you are waiting for a certain TIME for things to happen, as “time” is an illusion of the third/fourth dimensions.
Instead, you are “waiting for” a certain frequency of realty for these important changes to take place. Please remember that you are NOT in a hurry for your own personal ascension in which you see yourself “flying off beyond the confines of your physical world.
Instead, the entire physical world is right HERE, and New Earth is NOW! Just as humans are changing bit-by-bit everyday in an exponential manner. As humanity changes, their reality changes because their perceptions are changes—because their state of consciousness is changing.
Please remember that you reality is changing because your frequency of reality is changing. However, your personal changes with occur within alignment of the frequency of realty to which you have chosen, or feel you are “stuck on.”
If you think/believe that you have chosen the frequency of reality that you wish to experience by calibrating your consciousness to that reality, you will KNOW that YOU are the creator of your reality.
On the other hand, if you think that you are “stuck” on a certain frequency and what “someone else” to save you, then YOU are the victim to your reality. In other words, if you can forget about “who did what to whom” and focus on I AM the creator of my reality, and I AM on Earth to assist Gaia with Planetary Ascension.
WHO you are is measured by WHAT you give away to others and to Gaia. As your fifth dimensional consciousness and perceptions come more and more online within your Human Consciousness, you will naturally feel, perceive and dedicate your attention towards assist Gaia with Her process of Planetary Ascension.
“Seeing Auras will become a natural part of your perceptual field, in the same manner that you can “see shadows” while in your third dimensional state of consciousness. Please remember that expectation is a huge component of perception. Therefore, people will “see what they look for.”
Of you look for “bad news,” you will easily find it. However, if you look for good solutions for difficult situations, you will find that. It may not be as easy as finding “bad news,” as humanity is still looking down at the problem rather than looking up for the solutions.
We remind you to look DOWN for the cause and core of Gaia’s many problems, as well as the many deep injuries to her planetary body. However, to find the solutions for dear Gaia’s needs, please remember to look UP into your own higher states of consciousness.
It is within your higher fourth and fifth dimensional states of consciousness that you will remember the frequency of your own SELF that chose to take a human earth vessel to assist dear planet Earth, Mother Gaia, not because you want something for yourself, but because your want to assist Gaia with Her process of Planetary Ascension.
If you look DOWN into the fear and dissension, that is what you will find. However, if you look UP into the Multidimensional and Interdimensional Light, you will find your Purpose for Incarnation! Remember the “you” that wrote your own Mission Statement to Assist Gaia.
Remember what YOU wrote on that Mission Statement. Right NOW place “Joining your Interdimensional SELF with Gaia to assist with Planetary Ascension.” Then join your Interdimensional SELF with all other beings on Gaia who have come into contact with, as well as serve, their OWN higher dimensional Mission Statement to Assist Gaia.
What did you write on your Mission Statement to Earth?
Have you kept track of that statement and tried your best to fulfill it?
Or, did you get lost in the brier patch of the third dimension? If this situation is yours, do not judge yourself. You only got temporarily lost in the darkness because you had the courage to confront it.
Stay with your process, as the “darkest night is just before dawn.” Put connecting with your own Higher dimensional SELF top priority in your life! Meet daily with your higher dimensional friends and beloved Gaia!
As you awaken more and more to your fifth dimensional SELF, your fifth dimensional will increasingly come “on line.” As you continue to awaken to your fifth dimensional Light Body SELF, your perceptions will shift to include more and more:
Fifth dimensional thinking
Fifth dimensional feelings
Fifth dimensional memories
AND the Fifth dimensional Mission Statement that
YOU created for your SELF before you entered your current earth vessel.
The more you are TRUE to your SELF, the more you will remember your SELF. The more you remember your fifth dimensional SELF who resides in the Fifth Dimension, the more YOU will become the fifth dimensional Being
that you have ALWAYS BEEN…
We are the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and ALL the members of your Galactic Family