‘The Team’ via Peggy Black: Quicken, Arouse and Summon a New Reality
We are here inviting you to shift your focus from the physical 3D reality which is expressing chaos as well as misqualified energy and emotions. There is certainly a tempting attraction to engage in the drama unfolding. The best and most powerful place for your attention at this time is truly within the sacred space of your heart’s consciousness.
Learn to refocus your energy and direct your mental powers to envision a reality of peace and harmony. Make it your intention that you will anchor these vibrations, these frequencies, within your own energy field which will radiate out to the collective.
With practice, this will become the familiar and most comfortable energetic state in which you dwell. You see, it is within this place of peace that your gifts and true understanding can and will unfold. Your goal is to breathe and continue to reset your thoughts and vibrations. This is where your personal power comes forth.
You are here at this time to anchor a new reality. So remember, if you are emotionally and mentally invested in the out-picturing of the chaos, you are not in your personal power of transformation. The opposite of the drama and chaos is peace which grants understanding and invites the expansion and ownership of your divine self.
We are offering information that can and will trigger your personal awakening and the expansion of your divineness. This information is already stored and coded within your multidimensional field. We are just touching, so to speak, the codes that are ready to be unfolded in their magnificence.
We continue to remind you that you exist in the energy field, the quantum field of all possibilities. This energy field, this quantum field, is influenced by your thoughts, beliefs, intentions, emotions and the sound frequencies offered by your very words.
The time is here for you to own this personal power, to recognize that you are a part of this grand unfolding, this shift in consciousness. You truly have the keys and codes to open your personal gifts. These gifts include intuition, empathic abilities, connecting and channeling the energy of love and light from the cosmic realms, the awareness of and ability to influence your very DNA, the ability to understand and share what you call the language of light or star language.
Realize that your words literally cause an energy pulse in the fabric of your reality. You are influencing this fabric of reality at all times. This quantum field, the fabric of energy, is awaiting your imprint. Realize that the key principle and law of quantum physics is that your thoughts determine reality. When you begin to understand and master this powerful wisdom, you will use this ability to anchor life sustaining realities.
Imagine that you are experiencing the hologame/hologram of your consciousness. What if your physical body was a projection of your consciousness? What if this entire 3D reality was the creation of the collective consciousness, totally unaware that it is creating the very struggles, chaos and limitations that it encounters?
It is time for you to know this truth and to begin to stretch into your multidimensional awesomeness. Imagine if your physical body was created by your consciousness. What beliefs and attitudes would you need to have in order to maintain a healthy, vibrant vehicle? What collective beliefs and programs would you need to delete and replace? What misqualified emotional energies would you need to release and transform?
We have shared the energetic tools that allow you to heal and release old stored emotions and patterns that have been imprinted into your mental and emotional field of consciousness. Use these powerful energy tools, especially the incredible tool of sound vibrations, to clear any limitations.
Invite insight, open the doors to this new understanding, claim your abilities and trust that when you ask for guidance you will receive that guidance.
You are here to assist with the activation, awakening and anchoring of awakened human consciousness, a transition and transformation into new levels of thinking and new dimensional ideas and understanding.
You have chosen to incarnate onto your planet as lightworkers, starseeds, empaths or galactic beings to raise the vibrations that influence this quantum hologame. You are adept and skilled at offering energetic shifts to those with whom you come in contact.
Begin to own this truth. Step into your personal awakening. If you are uncertain, ask for your mission and assignment to be revealed. You will receive confirmation and knowing when you trust this process.
Begin to stretch into your unlimited potential. Begin to recognize that you are a big part of the unfolding of your planetary evolution and ascension into the 5th dimension and beyond.
We know that many of you do not and have not ever felt at home here on this planet. We will confirm that this is not your home. You have not felt like you fit in because you are here to quicken, arouse, stimulate, and summon a new reality.
You are here to remember your unlimited abilities. You are here to execute and carry out anchoring in the conscious field the truth that all beings are multidimensional divine cosmic starseeds. Quicken, arouse.
As often as possible, practice observing yourself from a fifth dimensional state of awareness. Just become aware that you are aware. This practice will give you an entirely different perspective on what you are observing or experiencing at that moment. You will begin to notice an expanded clarity. When you add the frequency, the true feelings of gratitude or appreciation, you anchor your connection to this new awareness.
You are here to remind others that they are connected to all. There is one collective consciousness, the quantum field, and you as an awakened being can and will seed as well as shift the consciousness in realizing this oneness.
Allow yourself to envision this reality, allow yourself to drop any illusion of limitation and gently and lovingly embrace who you are in your magnificence.
We see you as perfect, whole and masterful. We trigger this awareness, these abilities and this memory. We celebrate with you as you step into your role as consciousness shifters. We are in gratitude for your willingness to collect the misqualified energies and to transform and uplift them.
Your galactic families support and witness all that you are transforming, embracing you with courage and love. You are seen and dearly loved. We are complete.
the ‘team’
©2016 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available
“‘The Team’: Quicken, Arouse and Summon a New Reality,” Channeled by Peggy Black, November 19, 2016, at www.morningmessages.com