Victoria Cochrane’s Channellings From the Masters: The Vibrational Frequency of Matter
There is movement in all things, even though many may seem to be standing still. Atoms are the basis for all matter in the universe. It is widely known that atoms are constantly in a state of movement. All matter in the universe vibrates at a certain frequency, depending on the rapidity of movement in its basic structure. Some things vibrate very quickly whereas the vibration of other things is so slow it is barely or not noticeable. Therefore, the illusion of stillness is just that ̶ all materials, whether they are wood, steel, fabric, plastic or metal are constantly moving. Air and water move constantly and are easily penetrable, because they are made of matter that is not so tightly woven as that of wood or metal. Wood moves much more slowly than water or air, but faster than steel. Therefore, in most cases, it is easier to penetrate something made of wood than of steel.
I tell you this because the movement of matter underpins the very existence of the planets and all things in the universe. I speak specifically of planets in this message, because the planet Earth is experiencing much movement within her structure at the present time. The shifting of the tectonic plates that create earthquakes, the eruption of volcanoes producing deadly lava and the lashing of shores and coastline with gale force winds are just some of the examples of rapid and violent movement of matter around Mother Earth at this time. The blaming of the wild weather on Global Warming is, in part, acceptable, but there is a much deeper and more serious reason for the change in weather patterns around the globe. Mother Earth is experiencing a crisis, and her calls for help have, in the most part, gone unnoticed. Mother Earth is reacting with ferocity. This is because, unless the vibrations of ascension are integrated into the patterns of activity and behaviour by humans on Earth over the next 12 to 18 months, the density of vibrations that have weighed Mother Earth down for so long will stifle all of her attempts to shake humans out of their slumber.
Human activity upon the Earth has, in the most part, ignored the need for sustainability and regrowth of the planet’s natural resources. There are many humans who now do everything in their power to respect and restore the resources they use, yet there are many more who continue to plunder and to use The Earth’s natural resources for their own gain with little care for the consequences. There is still a large imbalance in the equation of giving and taking from the Earth that is causing the scales to tip in humans’ favour, which does not bode well for the future in terms of sustaining human life upon the Earth long term. Although world leaders recognise this fact, the lure of money, wealth and power override the need for moderation and the development of laws to prevent the Earth being plundered with no hope of replacing what has been lost.
It is not possible to have such a serious impact on the Earth’s supply of resources and on her climate and to not then suffer the consequences. The climate of Earth has been affected by the outpouring of toxic waste on a daily basis, but it has also been affected by toxic human emotions. You may think this impossible, but the tidal wave of anger, hatred, war and violence seriously impacts the vibrations of matter around the globe. I am not talking about human-made matter, but that which is natural to the Earth. Soil, wood, rocks, minerals, plants and crystals are all affected by the lower vibrations of human, third-dimensional activities that are fuelled by ego and the need to dominate and control. These vibrations are much denser and are creating a heavier impact on the Earth than the vibrational patterns of the Fifth Dimension, which have been in force since 12/12/2012. Many humans refuse to believe that these changes have taken place, yet many feel it in the core of their being and fight the pull of the Third Dimension which still has two thirds of the world in its grip.
Third Dimensional vibrations are much slower than those of the Fifth Dimension. Mother Earth vibrates with love and joy, and this vibration has set all natural matter vibrating at a much faster pace than the egotistical vibrations of humans still stuck in the Third Dimension. It is like water floating on top of molasses. The water, or the vibrations of unconditional love and truth which are pure and untainted, can, in the most part, rise above the density below. However, as humans who are attempting to keep their vibrations in this state mix with the ‘real ’world in work, business and through the media, it is very easy to find themselves pulled down and mixed in with the molasses, which is drama, greed, materialism and toxic emotions. Vibrations are much slower and denser in this state and, as a matter of course, the thought processes emitted by those caught up in this lower state are also much less loving, much more judgemental and work directly against oneness. The water seeps to the top, struggling to get away, but the stirring of the masses in the molasses is powerful and keeps working to draw the water in again to feed itself. It is a vicious cycle and one that is keeping the Earth trapped in fear.
The situation seems hopeless, but it is all an illusion. All that is real is love: that is all there is. Love is a reality that cannot be escaped, because it is who you are. You were born from love and you came from love. When you create in the power of love, anything is possible. Of course, much on the Earth is created from hatred, fear, anger and the desire for retribution, and the possibilities are also endless, but are much less desirable, as is evident at this time. You are a Creator. You are THE Creator, because all is one and He and you are one and the same. Connect yourself to Him through your heartspace and feel the love He gives to you. There is no judgement, no cause for blame or guilt. You are as you are, perfect in every way. The love He has for you is unconditional and never ending. When you can feel this love and allow yourself to receive it, to feel worthy of receiving it, you will see all others in the same way. That is all you need to do to raise your vibrations and those of all matter will follow. Love, pure and simple, is the answer.
The problems in your world are made because no-one can take responsibility for the globalisation of Third Dimensional vibrations. When you let go of responsibility because it all seems too hard, you allow yourself to be deluded by the illusion of living on the Third Plane of Existence, which is Earth. You are living to learn, not for your physical body but for your ethereal body. Your soul wishes to serve and to grow, and to do this you must learn. Earth is the perfect stage for learning, but many of your lessons have been in the vibration of hate and the lure of ego. Of course, this lesson must be learnt, but so many of you have moved past this lesson. It is time to use what you have learnt to move on the world on.
Embrace your lessons and embrace love. See yourself first and foremost as one of unspeakable beauty, for that is the way we and the Creator sees you. The way to save the world is not through amazing acts of charity or through the public eye, although every act of this nature is appreciated and of great value. The way to save the world is to love yourself and to work on yourself. Only you can do that. Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. Honour your body and nourish your mind. Think and give with your heart. Let go of all judgment, particularly of yourself. Embrace your journey for all of its hardships and give thanks for the blessings of life. Give thanks for the blessings and gifts of the Earth and allow the Earth to breathe. Give back what you take, and be at one with the Earth, with all upon her and with the universe. As above, so below. Rise above the molasses and soon it will be gone. The vibrations of all matter will be raised to the level of the Fifth Dimension, and there will be no more room for the density of the past.
Love is in all things. It is who you are. It is all there is.
Embrace it. Live it.
We are one.
That is all.
I AM Master Kathumi