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Sananda via James McConnell, March 4th, 2018

Lord Sananda Kumara

I AM Sananda.

And my friends, my dear brothers and sisters, we would like to say at this point in this time in these moments that you have arrived. You, as a collective you, the consciousness of the planet has arrived. You are all nearing the finish line that I have spoken of many times. And it is time for many of you, if you have not already, to begin to cross this finish line.

But to know as you cross this finish line, that you will then turn around and go back across and assist all of those that are struggling behind you. Know that many of you are destined for this. Many of you will choose this just as you chose to come here long ago. Just as you chose to sacrifice your very being and beingness to be a part of this expression, this experiment, this level of consciousness.

You chose to be here and many of you will choose to come back again to continue on with this evolution here in this planet, in and on this planet. Others of you will choose to move on for that is your choice. This is a free will zone and you all have access to the free will. No one can deny you of that. Those times when others will be in control are fast coming to a conclusion.

Freedom is ahead for all of you. True freedom! Freedom of knowing the truth … of the truth being revealed across the planet. This is where you are moving toward. This is what you find when you cross the finish line. And all of those that have attempted to hold you back, to hold the planetary ascension back are finding that they can no longer do so. Are finding that they are thwarted at every turn that they make now. Whatever they do that is of the old programming; that they attempt to create the same scenario over and over is no longer working for them, and no longer will work for them. Even the poisoning of the skies that they have attempted to do is now coming to an end.

Their resources are diminishing. They no longer have the funds to continue these operations. There may be smatterings of this yet but for the most part this program, this geo-engineering program, what you call the chemtrails is coming to an end. The truth is being revealed in many ways and from many different directions and in many different sources. And this cannot be stopped.

Just as you can no longer stop an avalanche from coming down the mountain, you cannot stop the Sun from shining its’ ascension light, its’ ascension love. It cannot be stopped, will not be stopped. And all attempts that continue to do so will be done in vain.

Many of those that have attempted this have now turned to the light. They have been given the choice: turn to the light or be consumed by the light. And many are now choosing the light. There are those still that are stubborn that hold steadfast to their beliefs and to their need for control and power. But the love of power is now being replaced with the power of love. And there is nothing they can do to stop this. They can either go along or they can be taken off.

The time is now my friends. The moment is now. We cannot yet say exactly when The Event will occur, when the pulse of energy will come to the planet other than that it is already doing so. There are waves and waves of energy that are coming in. Waves of energy that are increasing your consciousness moment by moment; increasing your ability to see multi-dimensionally so that many of you are realizing now that your dream state is much more real than you ever imagined. In many cases your dream state is more real than your awakened state.

So know this as events — and I speak now in terms of plural events — begin to happen more and more, that you are on the threshold of the great awakening on this planet; the great awakening of consciousness within you – or should I say the great re-awakening of the consciousness within you.

I AM Sananda. I turn this now over to my consort, my twin flame, Lady Nada.



Channeled by James McConnell

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“Believing is seeing!”