Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Are You Using The Law Of Attraction To Your Greatest Benefit?
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic: The Law of Attraction. There has been a very large expansion in what many call “new age” thinking. It has been gaining some momentum for some time now. Many of you are familiar with The Law of Attraction. In short, what you put out is what you get back. But there are quite a few misconceptions about this Universal law in particular that we want to take some time to clear up if we may.
Let us begin by sharing our perspective of how this Universal law, the Law of Attraction, actually works. Many become intrigued when they learn of the Law of Attraction; when they learn that they are projecting in every moment a vibration that reverberates throughout the Universe and undoubtedly comes back to them. In other words like attracts like.
Few if any of you have much difficulty in identifying things that you desire, things that you want to create, your dreams, your hopes and your preferences. You each know what you like and what you don’t like.
What we see so often is those that become aware that their thoughts create their reality, feel compelled to decree to the Universe exactly what they want and expectantly await their highest dreams and desires to arrive. This works, but only on one condition. Allow us to clarify in greater detail to ensure you understand what we are sharing with you.
It is first imperative that you know that the Universe never responds to your wishes, to your dreams, hopes or even fears. The Universe responds to one thing, and one things only. It responds to you vibration that you are emitting. You all have come to this planet with an inner compass to help you better gage, exactly what you are pulsing out at anytime. It comes neatly packaged within your emotions, your feelings. How you feel is a direct indication of what you are pulsing out at any given moment.
You know when you are pulsing out or emitting positive vibrations because you feel good, you feel happy, excited, optimistic, exhilarated and all of the wonderful feelings that you have at your disposal. Comparatively so, you also know when you are emitting a negative vibration, you feel fearful, worried, anxious, and many of the other negative feelings that you have at your disposal.
So the question remains, do positive affirmations really work? Do they bring you what you are decreeing to the Universe? It depends. If you are simply reciting the words because of a strong desire all the while you are feeling desperate, fearful, worried, concerned or even frustrated then the answer is no. And here’s why, the universe doesn’t respond to your words. It only responds to the emotions and therefore the vibration that you are emitting at any time.
What we see so many humans do is yearn for change, yearn for their dreams and desires to come true all the while remaining completely focused upon what they have in front of them, what they do not like. What you focus upon will always expand.
If you are affirming to the Universe what you desire, all the while believing it is true, feeling the abundance that you are proclaiming then the answer is yes. Affirmations do work in this situation. The most important part that so many are missing is that you must feel what it feels like to have what you want; as if the circumstances around you have already changed.
Some will say, well how am I supposed to do that, I don’t have it yet. To this we would say, you do it often, you simply use the powers of the Universe against your wishes and dreams when you feel what it feels like to have the concerns and biggest fears manifest. This is what each of you have done at some point when you think of a scenario that you do not want, you fear will come true and you place yourself in the vibration of what it would feel like if it actually happened. But the wonderful aspect of this, is that you can do this in a positive way as well. What does it feel like to have your most valued dream come true right now?
When you place yourself in that feeling place, you are emitting the exact signal to the universe to conspire in everyway to bring to you what you desire most. Not because it is responding to how much you want it, but because you are matching the exact speed of vibration that you desire most. To feel abundant, to feel happy, at peace, in joy, in love, exhilarated, a sense of great optimism for what else the Universe can bring you.
The Universe is simply a mirror. It cannot bring you what you want, anymore than a mirror’s ability to give you the reflection you prefer. They both bring you what you are in that moment. Use your feelings as the powerful tools they were meant to be. Not to berate yourself for feeling negatively but to be used as a gage or a rudder on a ship to help you steer more directly to that which you desire for yourself and away from what you do not want.
So we leave you with this last question, what does it feel like right now to have the dream you desire most, come true?
We hope that we have helped you some way.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides.
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Much Love,
Dr. Taryn Crimi