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Archangel Michael for the Council of Light via Christine Burk, 27 September, 2018

111 Messages in 111 Days: Ignite The Transition

Archangel Michael for the Council of Light

(Photo: The lake AND the sunset AND the trees AND September 2018 AND the reflection AND the sky…)

#5 Live Free Forevermore with the Use of the Mighty AND

Archangel Michael:

Beloved Earth Family, there is no need to force anything. Intend, focus, choose AND allow.
Laugh AND relax more. Whenever things get difficult, as they assuredly will during this stage on Earth, be easy. Freedom is and always has been yours.

There’s no need to suffer, earn or wait to achieve Freedom. Accept whatever is. Accept this moment and your experience of it, without analyzing, criticizing, censoring, judging, justifying,
deducing, disparaging, rationalising or even explaining. Accept what’s happening around and to you for its reflection, learning and is-ness.

When things are rough, do not not not think or believe it is because you are failing. For instance, do not think that if you are sick or broke that you are not spiritual, good or successful.
Every experience has value and leads to expansion, eventually. Feel, see, release, live.

When things are difficult – too painful to endure – do not waste your preciousness trying to force change. Instead use your power of AND. Allow yourself to embrace and experience reality, as it is, AND at the same time…

Choose Peace.
Choose Kindness.
Choose Service.
Choose Humor.
Choose Wonder.
Choose Harmony.
Choose God.

Experience and choose. Allow and choose. Be and choose.
You are already Free AND Beloved.

Serving alongside you,
Archangel Michael

The next two titles:
#6 How New Earth Children Are Raising Their Parents
#7 Criticism and Retort: Your Entitled Right or the Choice for War?

(Channeled by Christine Burk, 27 September 2018. WhoNeedsLight, Founder Dr. Kathryn E. May. Please include channel and full message when reprinting. No electronic recordings please. This Story Ends in Glory!)