Archangel Raphael
February 7th, 2019
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Raphael and I now hold the flame of healing over Earth so that what is dark and cold will receive a warming flame of light and love. The way it is dear friends on Earth is that the light has a healing ability. The light consists of many colors and can heal many illnesses on Earth regardless of if it is in the body of Mother Earth or in your bodies. This can be on both a physical and psychological basis. Understand that you with your thoughts can create both a physical and psychological healing for yourselves in the era of light that now is. You can also help others to heal themselves if you have practiced the ability of healing. You have different tasks here on Earth and each task is unique and loving regardless if you use it for your fellow humans or for the nature that you live in. All that you do, say or think have much importance so use your resources well so that you can become the light that you Earth needs so much now. Choose wisely now dear children on Earth. Choose regarding body, thought and feeling so that your intuition can become so strong that it can conquer mountains. In other words get through the barriers that you still have left of the old wounds and memories.
Call on me if you think there is something that is particularly hard to heal and I will help you with my flame of healing and give you the light and the love you need to heal your wounds.
The light is flowing and the healing is flowing down on your Earth today. Receive the light dear children on Earth and let it heal your bodies and the Earth you walk on. Let the light stream through you down in the Earth and further out the places where the need of warmth and love is the strongest. Mother Earth will help you distribute the light where she feels it is the most needed.
The dark can now start to be transformed in your eyes to compassion and love in a single moment and you know then that the light is victorious in your heart. More and more people start to see the light in other people’s hearts and a new Era has started on the Earth that you so dearly love. Your love is so large so you do everything now to heal her wounds that have been caused during the times that you have wandered here.
I am Raphael and I am at your service with my flame of healing for everybody who wants to use it to help humanity on Earth to heal the residuals of darkness and cold that still remain. It is not much that is left. Everything is all the time moving forwards a lighter Era on Earth. Both you and Earth have great healing powers within you. Use it and take advantage of the strong light that is offered you and you will soon be on safe grounds in the era and the life that you wish to be in.
I now send rays of light to Earth and to humanity so that you more easily can find your own light and your power. Sparks of my light can ignite flames of your light.
Now, go in peace, light and love.
I am forever your loving servant.
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan
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