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Sananda Jesus and Mary Magdalene Daily Channeled Messages

Message from Jesus of Nazareth, July 27th, 2023

Jesus of Nazareth Good night, in the Grace of my Father, Jesus of Nazareth. We know that it is difficult to be able to treat well someone who treats you badly. It is difficult to speak of the person who acts as your enemy with love and understanding and they need in a moment to…...

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Message from Jesus of Nazareth, July 27th, 2023 Read More »

Jesus via John Smallman, December 31 2022

Jesus Through John, December 31 2022 December 31, 2022  by John Smallman As you prepare to start a new year, do relax into that space of deep inner knowing that you all possess, and allow yourselves to know that God’s plan for humanity is unfolding precisely as She intends, knowing, as you all do, that

Jesus via John Smallman, December 31 2022 Read More »

Jesus via John Smallman, August 29th, 2022

Jesus Through John: You and M/F/G are in Complete Harmony in Every Moment August 29, 2022 by John Smallman   You are all dearly loved – infinitely loved by our loving Father. You always have been and you always will be because the Love of God is eternal and unchanging. Therefore there is nothing

Jesus via John Smallman, August 29th, 2022 Read More »

Sananda via Dancing Dolphin, May 18, 2021

Stay the Course | Sananda via Dancing Dolphin Message from Sananda through Dancing Dolphin STAY THE COURSE Disclosure, Releasing Trauma, Ascension, Call on Us! Monday, May 17, 2021 Dear Lightworkers, you are so loved and so treasured! You are not alone on your journey, all you need do is ask for help. Angels will come

Sananda via Dancing Dolphin, May 18, 2021 Read More »

Jesus via Linda Dillon, March 26th, 2020

Coronavirus: How Lightworkers Can Assist | Jesus via Linda Dillon A Message From Jesus: Coronavirus ~ How Lightworkers Can Assist “So, is this entire situation with the Coronavirus a re-set, a re-examination, to move from the ego – yes, to the root [chakra] – and back to the heart? Yes, it is. It is

Jesus via Linda Dillon, March 26th, 2020 Read More »

Sananda via John Smallman, March 16th, 2020

Engage with Love, and allow It to dissolve your fears and anxieties. March 16, 2020 by John Smallman Jesus Audio Blog for Monday March 16th Humanity is approaching a moment of change, a moment of enormous change, and as you all move forward through it there will be much uncertainty and disturbance.  You know that God’s

Sananda via John Smallman, March 16th, 2020 Read More »

Sananda via Angel Skog, 3 mars, 2020

Sananda via Angel Skog, 3 mars, 2020   Our beautiful light brothers and sisters, The Corona virus is one of the many challenges you will encounter along the way of your ascension. Just as your inner “darkness” struggles to remain, so do the darker global forces and the collective consciousness. Thus, this is not an…...

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Sananda via Angel Skog, 3 mars, 2020 Read More »

Sananda via Angel Skog, 5 januari, 2020

Sananda via Angel Skog, 5 januari, 2020   Beautiful light souls, The truth is so simple and so easy. It is always loving and clear and can never be lost. If you ever doubt whether what you are doing is right, just turn inward to your heart and feel. Does it feel simple and obvious?…...

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Sananda via Angel Skog, 5 januari, 2020 Read More »

Sananda via Daughter of Terra, January 4, 2020

Sananda via Daughter of Terra | January 4, 2020 January 4, 2020 I am Sananda, blessed ones of the light, this New Year offers onto you those opportunities that you have long since desired. The attainment of these opportunities rest solely in your ability to believe in all that you are capable of being. Not

Sananda via Daughter of Terra, January 4, 2020 Read More »

Jesus Christ / Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, September 27, 2019

Jesus Christ / Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, September 27, 2019   I am Jesus Christ and I have come today to talk a little about the time that is approaching more and more for the people on Earth. I know you are made up of several peoples, but for us you are a people, a…...

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Jesus Christ / Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, September 27, 2019 Read More »

Sananda via John Smallman, September 7th, 2019

To be incarnate as a human in form is a gift of inestimable value that you have given yourselves. September 7, 2019 by John Smallman Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday September 7th Life is a divine and infinitely joyful creation of our infinitely wise and loving Source, and It is what we are, both those of

Sananda via John Smallman, September 7th, 2019 Read More »

Sananda via James McConnell with VIDEO, May 5th, 2019

 LORD  SANANDA   (Channeled by James McConnell) I am Sananda. As always, it is my pleasure to be with you, to share with you, to offer these messages of encouragement to keep you all going on path, even those of you that tend to fall off from time to time, tend to feel like this is too much

Sananda via James McConnell with VIDEO, May 5th, 2019 Read More »

Sananda Jesus and Mary Magdalene Channeled Message #1, May 6th, 2019

Message from Jesus and Mary Magdalene: The message that we have for humanity right now is for you to know that you come from the greatest consciousness ever imagined there on Earth, the consciousness of GodSoul, and so what we need you to do is we need you to continue to go within into your

Sananda Jesus and Mary Magdalene Channeled Message #1, May 6th, 2019 Read More »