Father God
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Channel Ann Dahlberg
I am Your Father and wish to talk to you about the coming times. As you all know, you are in the outermost of uttermost time. This is the time during which a new wave of energy washes over Earth – An energy wave of love. It is from love you are born and it is in love that you will be reborn. This means that you with mind, body and soul are going to return to live in love. This level of energy vibrates at a higher frequency, and your body must get used to and adapt to a higher vibration. All that is stuck and blocks this energy must be dissolved and cleared out. Even your food may need to change a little since heavy and robust food can halt this light energy. Fruit and vegetables may need to be added to your diet, as the energy is easier to take hold there. You go from a heavier body to a lighter body, dear children, so it might be good to review your habits a little.
Meditation, laughter and singing are things that the body benefits from right now. Laugh, sing and live in the Now, and you will feel how your body rise in frequency. It is the frequency that you should strive for, dear children of the Earth. The more often you are there, the better you will help your body to increase its frequency. The joy stimulates, find joy in yourself and strengthen it daily because you can then live in better harmony with yourself. If you live in harmony with yourselves, you will also live in harmony with all that is around you. In this way, love, joy and harmony are spreading to the world. You will be an asset for anyone seeking to find their joy and there are many who are seeking it today.
There are many gray veils that need to be lifted, so that some light of joy can seep in and start to fill the heart. Hearts filled with light brings much joy. Those people really radiate. They vibrate from love and confidence. They are selfless in their giving, and they judge no one. They know themselves how difficult it can be and that the only way out is to find their own heart and fill it with light. Light is in everyone’s heart, it just needs to be nurtured and strengthened.
Just as the mother loves her child for what it is, I Your Father love you my children for who you are. You are all my beloved children without exception. Everything that lives, grows and exists is to me as dear as those who have already filled their hearts with love and walks on the path of light at my side. The question then becomes: Who needs me most? I think you already know the answer. I am here for all who need me.
I love you all so much
With great love
Father God