Ishvara via Ann Dahlberg
January 8, 2024
Channel Ann Dahlberg
I am Ishvara and today I bring a commandment to all of you. It is a commandment, a call from our Father of all, he who has created everything and made it possible for us to create the life we are currently living.
What he now wants you to pay attention to is what you desire deep down and what it is that you want to manifest in the outer world that you temporarily live in. What kind of world is it that you currently want to create for yourselves and your fellow human beings. Where the thought goes, the feeling follows and your manifestation arises where you let the thought germinate and grow. Be careful with what you devote your energy to, is it something that makes you harmonious and happy or, on the contrary, makes you a little afraid and hesitant.
The energy you use can be and is mostly stronger today, so it is important to have the right balance of what you want in life.
Blessings pour upon you now, for you to choose that which brings peace and harmony to your heart. There should be no doubt but you immediately feel that this is good for you and that you feel happier in mind.
Sometimes you just need to start without thinking too much, then the solutions will come by themselves when you need them. You need to focus on what you want to achieve, whether it is your inner spiritual development or external circumstances in your vicinity or on the global plane.
Development happens everywhere on Earth, so during a certain time you may have to devote yourself to your own spiritual development, and at other times you join together in groups to strengthen global development and Mother Earth.
This can vary and go back and forth a bit, but there are also individuals who devote themselves entirely to one or the other, depending on the purpose they had when they incarnated on Earth.
There are big things going on in your world, so it is important that you who have reached a certain higher level of consciousness are more focused on what thoughts you send out, what it is that you want to grow in the consciousness of humanity and in the environment that is affected of you.
It can also arouse thoughts and feelings in your fellow human beings that either cause them to grow or stagnate. This is because the lighter energy manifests faster and the recipient may not be ready to receive that energy at that particular moment, so a door closes where it was slightly open before.
Yes, dear people, be sensitive to the thoughts and feelings that arise within you. Be careful with what comes out of your mouth, listen and try to understand where your fellow man is and try to correct yourself accordingly. Feel free to raise the bar a little, but don’t let the distance get too big, you can only raise it a little bit at a time according to the capacity that the individual currently possesses.
The order given is that all people now develop to the best of their abilities and that everything is fine just as it is right now. Everything follows according to plan and Our Father God’s hand is involved in everything that happens on Earth and within humanity.
You are all surrounded by God’s energy and you can use it in the way you want and are able. Creativity is enhanced with love in the heart and diminished if the opposite prevails. However, the energy of love can never leave you, it shines like a dull or clear flame within you and is the real reason why you live here on Earth.
It is just waiting for you to discover it and let it shine bright and steady, that’s when you connect with your higher self, your soul and you are in the true real world of light and love. Be loving to yourselves and each other and let your light shine bright, so that more may find their own light.
Perhaps all it takes is a spark, and the light flares up and opens up a new day for that individual. You get these reminders again and again because it is the energy of love that now needs to be spread on Earth.
Let go of the thoughts, let go of the ego and bathe in the light of your Father, that is the advice that I want to give you now. It can be difficult with everything that is happening on Earth today, but it is that energy that lightens all that is heavy and you are the ones who can influence it with the thoughts and feelings that you carry within you.
This applies above all to those who are aware and understand what I am talking about now. You can make a difference even if you think you are too few, however, the number is growing all the time and it takes a smaller number who hold the lighter energy for a big difference to be felt.
God bless you all.
Great love Ishvara