Judas Iscariot
Sunday, November 26th, 2017
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I do not have much news with me today that has not already been written about by all the other channels that operate today. However, I want to emphasize a bit extra the message which Quan Yin left last time – that it is the love for us all and the understanding that we are all tied together with each other that is so incredibly important to absorb. This understanding will contribute to great success in your life.
You are great magicians dear children on Earth and you can carry out wonders merely with the knowledge that you cooperate with your inner divinity and surrender to the will of God. The will of God is our law and without it chaos and frustration easily comes. How many of you have surrendered to the will of God and who now let themselves be guided by your inner guidance. It is not always so easy to follow one’s inner guidance there can be many if’s and but’s on the way. It is nevertheless the best path you can follow and the one that gives you the least amount of thorns along the way. It goes through storms and winds and it lands intact with a large abundance in your life. We are waiting for you. We are waiting for you to take this important, but not really such a big step. Surrender to God’s will and your path will be light and clear. You do not have the big perspective and you can see only a small part of your life, but your soul and your higher self can see and understand what the next step must be. You are a part of the whole, everybody is a part of the whole, you cooperate with the whole, you ascend with the whole. Do you understand this.. you are many who cooperate now and your soul and your higher self have the complete picture. It by surrendering to the will of God that you can follow the correct path – the path that is yours and that cooperates with the whole. The big picture where everybody has a place in the puzzle is there. You have it within you – you know where to go and what to do. It is so easy to this today. The light is so large and flows forward across Earth. You who have sought and found know that what I say is true. They found their voice and understood what it is they should do. The voice is clear and true, it is loving and positive, you cannot mistake it. There is no worry or if’s and but’s in that voice. It is wise and encouraging and only wants your best. You recognize it as a dear old friend. It is your best companion, as it is your soul – Your soul that has let you have free will, who has shared your tears and problems, but has let you chose the life you live after having tried to convince you differently.
It is now time for the soul and your higher self to come forward and to take a bigger place in your life. It is time to become one with everything and leave the life of separation and fear. Now is the time dear Earthlings. It is now that you will reunite and walk together into the light. Reach out with your hands to your soul and your higher self and let them guide you on your path now. You will then enter into a lighter time of love and unity. The light is here and calls you so please enter into it.
We surround you with our light,
Judas Iscariot
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan
Source: www.sananda.website
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