Conversation with Master St. Germain
Dyslexia means wholeness and has nothing to do with weakness! The eyes of a person with this gift look at the world differently – holistically and from a superordinate point of view, rather than from a single point of view.
Is dyslexia a gift?
Spiritual significance
“What do Albert Einstein, Cher and Walt Disney have in common? Apart from the fact that they were all really great in their respective fields, they all had or have dyslexia. When people hear the word dyslexia, they often think of a reading disability or a slow learner. However, people with dyslexia are very often talented, creative thinkers. The way of thinking that causes dyslexia can actually be a natural ability and talent that enhances other abilities.” (6)
JJK: This is an excerpt from a very readable article that I have just read on the subject of dyslexia. I am interested in the spiritual significance of this manifestation.
Most people speak of a flaw in this context, but there are also more voices that say that this is a gift.
MEISTER ST. GERMAIN: Anyone who perceives the world as a whole and in images is not created for a purely linear view of things. Many children who are born into this time perceive themselves and the environment holistically and their brains are designed for this.
Dyslexia means wholeness and has nothing to do with weakness!
JJK: At school, however, such children have quite a few problems with writing or reading. Although it is a gift, this school system has no understanding for this gift.
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Everything is now changed. This topic is also subjected to newer approaches and people with this gift are valued as extraordinarily and no longer classified as flawed. The new earth thrives through these people, the old earth finds it disturbing and consequently in need of therapy.
What is special?
JJK: What makes these people so special?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Your ability to feel and to understand the world through feeling! Linearity is only a section for these people, to which they are reluctant to pay their undivided attention. People with this gift understand connections without being able to describe them immediately and they see things without being able to name them immediately. Mathematics is not learned, but understood. Words are not spelled correctly or incorrectly, but felt.
The eyes of a person with this gift look at the world differently – holistically and from a superordinate point of view, rather than from a single point of view. Appreciate each other and appreciate the gifts with which you were born.
Are dyslexics smarter?
JJK: Are dyslexics, see Einstein, possibly even more intelligent than the average person?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Higher predisposition means higher intelligence. Whether and how this intelligence can unfold is due to the free spaces available for it. Those who are to be treated by all means often suffer psychological damage, feel inferior instead of being aware of their abilities and gifts.
JJK: This means that certain support measures can be counterproductive?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Everything that exerts no pressure, everything that happens in love and mindfulness, is helpful. However, you should never consider a person with this gift as fraught with a flaw and flawed. That’s what matters!
See the whole person!
To support someone is to always see the person in his uniqueness. If this basis is given, then even a holistically oriented person can move masterfully on the linear level of perception. Everything is a matter of love. If enough love is available, then everything is possible. Bless yourselves and bless your fellow human beings!
No one has to meet the demands of a sick world. Meaningful action, to think in intelligent scales, to feel empathy and to hear the whole orchestra, instead of just the individual instrument, this is reserved for those who understand more and see more.
JJK: That means that’s just a problem because the system makes it a problem?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Uniqueness is never a weakness, but always a gift – and the system thrives on conformism, a fact that is now changing radically, because the children of this time break out of this system. It happens, no one can and will stop this process.
Stay true to yourselves, love those who are different, appreciate your gifts and understand that every human being has been endowed with the riches of heaven and has come to this earth.
You are unique, human, living and unlimited divine consciousness.