
Love is our new reality

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Message from Anastasia via Jahn Kassl, July 13th, 2024


Message from Anastasia

However, what is now happening on this earth can only be understood with an open spiritual consciousness. What has to happen now and will happen can only be understood in its entirety. Those who lose themselves in detail lose their courage, lose track, lose hope and lose the strength to recall and live their own divine potential. There is something big going on and each of us is part of this project. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here at that time! What is happening today and what is changing everything is described in three words: blowing up your consciousness!

Beloved people,

I am ANASTASIA, the man facing life, the truth, the earth and GOD from the unity of all life. I have come to expand your perspective, to give insights into life and outlooks into life before and after this life.

I am in the middle of you, so that we can rise together, so that we ascend united and so that we as a human family take on the heritage of the Creator on earth.

Time flies until the time comes. There is still time until the day of Ascension comes, and until the light prevails on earth on all levels, it still needs time.

And this time wants to be used and lived wisely, far-sighted, with ease and with joy – because this is particularly necessary these days.

Live your life grounded and continue in your effort to become more perfect, compassionate and loving every day.

We have so much to do, so much still to be achieved, so much is still ahead of us in the light, in the sublime, in the uplifting, in the uplifting, in in in the uplifting, in in in in in the in, in in the in in the in- the in-sin-in-in-in, in in in the in in the in in-s in-sin, in, in in, in, in in in, in in in in, in in in in in in, in in, in in in in in in,, in in in in in in in in, in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in

And you ask:

How, Anastasia, can we live grounded towards God? Almost none of us were born in the taiga and can devote ourselves to nature and the divine there.

How can we live healthy and grounded in our everyday life – in the middle of the cities where spiritual energy is withdrawing more and more or on regions that are equally affected by the manipulative energy fields? How can we remain untouched by all the influences that harm us or at least keep away from them? How can we live freely while surrounded by restrictions, almost surrounded? What does freedom mean at a time when it is more and more circumcised? How is a prosperous coexistence of people possible when every person fights his fight, even has to fight, only to survive somehow – how to live humanely at all, if so many people lack the most necessary and lack a life-friendly environment?

Your concerns are of this kind and I tell you: At first glance, your findings are true and your concerns and objections are justified.

However, as soon as we illuminate this matter in more detail, look at it more deeply and holistically, we see a completely different picture.

Loved by GOD

This fact – that you exist, because GOD wanted it in this way, that you live, because GOD created you in such a way that you are a part of GOD and are loved by GOD as God loves himself – we will now approach this universal truth so that at the end of this message you can put aside your doubts and questions and celebrate and live life with people and with GOD full of enthusiasm:

● Everything that keeps you from a grounded and loving est being is not in the taiga, but is hidden in your heart.

● Everything that keeps you from being together and for each other is not because of the environment, but because of the life of your own inner images lead.

● Everything that triggers a deficiency is not because GOD had forgotten you, but because you have forgotten yourself.

● Everything you lack is due to the fact that you meet yourself with contempt and lack of respect.

What needs to be understood with all open questions, with all the doubts and concerns, is:

GOD loves you infinitely! GOD does not contain anything before you, but showers and floods you with his fullness! GOD melts in your presence as soon as you release love – because GOD is like butter.

The grounded life

Living a grounded life involves more than walking barefoot over a summer meadow! Living the grounded life means being aware with all your inner and outer senses that you are connected to GOD and that you yourself are GOD. The grounded perception of life means seeing GOD in everything.

To look at nature, people and everything living things as a reflection of yourself means being grounded and living grounded. Are you aware of the divinity in you – and that everything living is of divine origin? This is not an indication of a hubris, of the “self-exation” or the first step into madness. This is the only truth, because what is written is: “What I do, you will do, and even more!”

Developing awareness of it is the great task for which you were born repeatedly and for which it draws us to earth again and again.

It behaves like this

With us humans, it is like this:

As soon as we return to the realms of light after a lived earth life, we already long for the next adventure on earth.

All souls and spirit beings chosen by GOD for this expedition and who were chosen by GOD for this unique rich experience, after returning to their families in being, feel the inner impulse to return. There are essentially two reasons for this:

1. Own unfinished tasks

2. Participation in the healing process of the planet and humanity

Therefore, from a superior point of view, an earthly life is not only a great challenge, but above all a great honor, which is reserved only for selected entities from being.

You are hardly aware of your position, your power and your importance in creation and so you look far away from this perception at the game of life.

However, what is now happening on this earth can only be understood with an open spiritual consciousness. What has to happen now and will happen can only be understood in its entirety. Those who lose themselves in detail lose their courage, lose track, lose hope and lose the strength to recall and live their own divine potential.

There is something big going on and each of us is part of this project. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here at that time!

What I’m telling you is nothing new – and so I ask you: How often do you still have to hear it to let this truth sink into your heart and to accept it as a fact!?

We ARE ALL part of the great healing and we ARE ALL part of the great transformation that is taking place now.

That’s why we descended, that’s why we are united here in this sense: to bring back its beauty to the earth and to regain our divine destiny as human beings.

What is happening today and what is changing is described in three words: EXPLOSION OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS!

Inner opening of the people

This is done by the immense light energy that has been flowing into the earth for decades in a continuously increasing vibrational amplitude.

This light transfer from the center of the galaxy opens up to humans internally. You can see today that this has an effect from the fact that more and more people are interested in spiritual topics. What was unthinkable years ago is now gaining its way into public discourse. The way back to nature, humanity and peace is being taken internally by more and more people and spirituality is no longer a foreign word.

Many are still keeping a low profile, as the internal processes have not yet been completed and people have to get used to their new thinking and feeling.

People are being made new, they feel that they are transforming internally – and completely new horizons and perspectives are opening up. It is an upheaval that cannot be stopped by anything and by no one, as this is followed by cosmic and divine orders.

The upheaval on earth to the light, the true and the beautiful happens, because the light of GOD has reached the hearts of people and transforms them into love.

Your impatience is just as understandable as your doubts are human, but the time in which you will look back on time in amaste is near.

to pause

Today it is not about persevering, but about stopping – stopping into the kingdom of the interior, to distinguish being from appearance, to overlook the outside from the inside out.

Become aware of the protection you are under when you open yourself to GOD. Perceiving GOD at every turn means freedom, peace, joy in all ways in everyday life. Whether you live in the countryside or in the city is only important if you feel you are wrong in one place. If this is the case, then everything is set in motion to improve your situation. How, if I lack everything, would you like to ask?

I tell you: Turn to the Creator and you will be equipped with everything you need to live your life and fulfill your missions. You have to, and that is the only condition, you have to be really serious about accepting what GOD has in store for you!

Often it is necessary to overcome obstacles, obstacles in one’s own thinking and feeling. The biggest obstacles are the misprogramming of the old system, which still pretends to you lack, reflect inferiority and suggest powerlessness.

Continue with the healing work of your heart and your heart will find the door to its own SOUL and open the gate to GOD by itself.

What can you do in practice to live your everyday life grounded, while creating the optimal conditions for blowing up your consciousness at all levels:

● Walking on the ground with bare feet

● Sufficient sleep

● Generous breaks of electronic devices

● Encounters and conversations with people, animals and trees

● Always maintain the inner connection with GOD

JJK: People love to be able to do something concrete. Is there a technique when we are in the middle of everyday life that grounds us well and at the same time connects us to the sky.

Because this is often mentioned – we should remain grounded and at the same time connected to the light. But how can we integrate this into the daily routine?

Fast grounding in everyday life

ANASTASIA: Practice the following exercise and you will easily hold the tension between earth and sky: Massage your third eye in slightly circular movements from left to right and speak:






This simple exercise puts you with your feet on the ground in the middle of everyday life and aligns your spiritual antennae with the divine.

This exercise unfolds its effect from 60 seconds. Find this one minute and you will be grounded and stay connected. Repeat this exercise as soon as you feel that you have lost your grounding or connection.

The future of humanity

The future of humanity is determined in the present! The future of humanity is not determined by foreign powers, but by the present thoughts and feelings of people.

That’s why the biggest change is taking place in you now. If your thinking is clear and your feeling is free from overlays of this matrix, then you are free and sovereign. In fact, the future is in our hands.

Self-confident YES and confidently saying NO is the order of time today.

What you have been prepared for inside in many lives is now fulfilled: a completely new

Self-perception by blowing up consciousness.

JJK: “Extontion”, some people could be afraid of that?

ANASTASIA: Looking behind the horizon, who breaks its limits and is ready to explore its true dimensions – the longing awakens, the anxious mind comes to rest and withdraws. Just as – in a decisive moment – the caterpillar turns into a butterfly, you blow up the cocoon and slip from the third to the fourth and from the fourth to the fifth dimension. The people it affects are internally geared towards the light being, on peace and unity. Millions of people have been seized by it and so all powers that counteract this have been deprived of power and the right to stay on this earth have been deprived of.

JJK: Then why do so many claims of power still have a negative effect on us?

ANASTASIA: Because their end and their self-destruction is just as much a process as our new beginning and our elevation into the light. On the levels defined by time, everything is subject to time sequences. The path markings in time must be reached before the extent of what has been achieved becomes apparent.

We approach this final determination and the new beginning in milestone boots, because humanity awakens in the darkest night!

God’s love for people is infinite!

How big is your love, are you wondering? Beloved man, what are you asking – you are here!