
Love is our new reality

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Message from Babaji via Jahn J Kassl, May 31st, 2023

You overcome the ephemeral in the ephemeral and you gain life in the middle of life. Precisely because the challenges are as they are, the penetration of this illusion is possible. The confrontation with difficulties makes solutions urgent. The more constricting and inhuman, the more godless and de-conscious the energy on earth, the greater the chance that people will turn to the true and good. Earthly matters only keep you from knowledge until the light opens up to you that you can master this situation by involving GOD in your life and mastering earthly affairs WITH GOD.

Post image © Andrea Percht

The ONE instance

New energy

Beloved people,

Children of God, living consciousness from the source of all life, loving self from everything that is, it is time to wake up, to stand up and ascend into the light, it is time to be what you are – no longer become, but to be, no longer to try, but to do, no longer wish, but to want and implement.

We are talking about the new energy that is now being provided to you for your plans and intentions, for your bright actions in and through love.

The original source of all life provides every person with the energy he needs to fulfill his missions. The only condition for this is to know the orders and to live them unconditionally.

That is why so many people are now undergoing in-depth training. Because when it says: “No stone remains on the other!”, then it means that nothing in your life remains as it was when you are ready to embark on your journey. To embark on the journey means to recognize yourself in all your strength and power, and that is to be ready to get everything out of the way that prevents you and blocks you.

You are not a servant of foreign powers, but a self-determined person among people. To become aware of this means to change life – and to change life means to change thinking, feeling and acting.

There is nothing more worthwhile in life than devoting oneself completely to one’s own spiritual affairs. Because as long as you don’t know what powers lie dormant in you and what power you carry within you, your life remains incomplete. Restless, you look for peace on the outside and are constantly thrown back on yourself.

Find happiness …

This time shows you how important it is to get in touch with yourself, and that means going far beyond the psychological level and immersing yourself in your spiritual reality.

Only when you still know SPIRIT, when you anchor the imperishable and indestructible spirit that you are as THE ONE INSTANCE that surpasses all other instances, will you find your happiness and be able to live in peace with everything that is, but above all with yourself. All upstream levels must be penetrated in order to advance to your spiritual being.

Misfortune, discord, inhumanity are always the result of NOT KNOWING, NOT KNOWING that you are pure divine consciousness, pure spirit and light of pure love. If you penetrate the veil of ignorance and begin to guess who and what you really are, then everything changes.

JJK: Some people might ask: How can I achieve this, how can the knowledge that I am pure divine consciousness help me, where an earthly struggle for existence is imposed on me and where darkness has settled over this world?

BABAJI: You overcome the ephemeral in the ephemeral and you gain life in the middle of life. Precisely because the challenges are as they are, the penetration of this illusion is possible. The confrontation with difficulties makes solutions urgent. The more constricting and inhuman, the more godless and de-conscious the energy on earth, the greater the chance that people will turn to the true and good.

Earthly matters only keep you from knowledge until the light opens up to you that you can master this situation by involving GOD in your life and mastering earthly affairs WITH GOD.

GOD encounters you not only in prayer or meditation, but and above all in the middle of life.

Everything is one. Why shouldn’t earthly affairs also be the affairs of God, after all, GOD created the earth!

Everything with GOD

You will be forced to fight for existence! Have you worked out solutions WITH GOD or do you still think GOD has nothing to do with it? That’s the whole point: GOD is your life in every moment. The absences of GOD create the difficulties that you try to avoid.

GOD is never and nowhere absent, certainly not when you need Him most – and more and more people need GOD in everyday life.

Are you sometimes touched deep inside by the longing for GOD? Are you crying for no reason? Do you feel separated without knowing what? This is the quiet whisper from eternity, the voice of GOD in you, this is the constant presence of that power that is everything and that has been sought by people since the beginning of time.

GOD is THE ONE INSTANCE in you, to unite you means to dissolve you, and leads to the death of the false self. Everything is through GOD. Earthly and unearthly. Everything is life, everything is light, everything is love.

And in the deepest darkness, in the dark night of the soul, this knowledge is born.