Message from Christ
Do you know why certain things develop so sluggishly and why some events are delayed? Because you are undefined, because you hesitate, because you have not yet pierced through to your true core. Your true core is love. Your true core is free from worry, is without fear and knows no fear. Your true core is pure divine consciousness, is light and joy. Your true core knows GOD and recognizes itself in GOD. This sacred process of recognizing yourself, by remembering yourself, is not yet finished and incomplete for many people. The realization of who you really are and what brought you to this world at this time is still unborn. However, this realization is necessary so that love can flow freely and inexhaustibly from your heart! So once again I invite you to do everything humanly possible so that you can come closer to this realization with every breath.
It’s all about love!
Until love can flow and so that love can flow – that is why we have gathered here today and come together as human beings!
It is about love! Love is the linchpin of all human endeavors. At the core, it is always about uncovering love.
The essence of all things is love, the center from which everything emanates is love. Even if it is covered and superimposed, misunderstood and disregarded – in the end love always triumphs over every other state of consciousness.
Be certain: love is the measure of all life and the inherent core of all decisions and things.
I am the living Christ. I am with you now with the uplifting message that you are ready to let your love flow today!
The time when you had to hide your light and keep your love behind the curtain is over! Now you can show yourselves as who and what you are.
The time when you can and should openly and freely carry your light and love to the people has dawned!
Do not be afraid of the malice that is still rampant, nor of the lack of understanding that is still widespread. Malice is broken through and destroyed with your love – and also the lack of understanding of many fellows needs love, so that they are awakened and reached by the change.
So go there …
So today I invite you to do the same and go to the people who have an open ear and an open heart. People whose eyes want to see, but who cannot yet, need glimpses of light and experiences of enlightenment now.
In order for them to find their way and stay oriented during this time, they need your light and love.
I invite you to take on this task but take it on well prepared! For in order for your love to flow to people, it is necessary to remove the obstacles and dams that still stand in your own way:
• What are you afraid of? Get to the bottom of the fear!
• What blocks you? Deal with your blockages!
• What are you being held back by? Observe carefully!
• What are you hesitating about and why? Have the courage to look!
It is your healed energy field that matters now. It is the homework you have done that will finally enable you to do what I am inviting you to do today.
Your true core
Do you know why certain things develop so sluggishly and why some events are delayed?
Because you are undefined, because you hesitate, because you have not yet pierced through to your true core.
Your true core is love. Your true core is free from worry, is without fear and knows no fear. Your true core is pure divine consciousness, is light and joy. Your true core knows GOD and recognizes itself in GOD.
This sacred process of recognizing yourself, by remembering yourself, is not yet finished and incomplete for many people. The realization of who you really are and what brought you to this world at this time is still unborn.
However, this realization is necessary so that love can flow freely and inexhaustibly from your heart!
So once again I invite you to do everything humanly possible so that you can come closer to this realization with every breath.
Once you have recognized yourself, you will recognize everything – and especially your place in this earthly game.
Longing as grace
For this you need only one condition: the longing! It is your desire for GOD, which brings all the love into your life and into the lives of your fellow!
This longing is given as grace to every human being who is ready for it – and ready are YOU, because you have taken your seat here today, because you have been led to this message and encounter with me!
You are ready to let love flow. Fears no longer plague you, you control them – and worries no longer crush you, you straighten up.
You are ready to let love flow, because you do not know hopelessness in the face of GOD.
Secure in GOD
A new energy flows from heaven to earth. The human hearts will heal henceforth more easily and faster. Who opens himself to these possibilities, experiences the great grace of a life BORN IN GOD – tangibly, noticeably and confirmed in daily life.
So devote yourself, throw everything overboard and quench your thirst at the spring of eternal life. You are living, pure and infinite consciousness in GOD, which knows only one purpose and one reason of life: LOVE.