My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Today we wish to speak to you about the concept of “Destiny.” It is widely misunderstood upon your planet earth. You are not destined to do anything. You are free, creating in each moment.
Instead, you came into this lifetime with what we might call “Travel Plans.” There were certain people you wanted to meet, lessons you wanted to learn, and things you wanted to contribute. These things are very likely to happen. However, just as with any journey, you are free to change your plans along the way. At every given moment in time you begin, based on the vibration your emitting both consciously and unconsciously, to change your reality.
Suppose for example you were going to take a trip. You might know what route you are going to take. You might plan to meet a friend along the way. You might choose a restaurant en route for lunch. Then you get in the car. You realize the road is closed ahead or you hear of an amazing detour, so you change your route. You aren’t hungry when you thought you would be, so you change your lunch spot. Your friend can’t meet you, so you arrange to visit a few other places along the way. You still have the same goal in mind, but you’ve just shifted your reality along the way.
It is like this in your life. What you call “Destiny” is simply the soul’s firm conviction to experience a certain reality this lifetime, very much as a determination to stop and each lunch exactly when you planned it. In reality you can change your “Destiny” with every conscious thought and every consciously designed feeling.
If you aren’t making much money for example, you might say, “Well I guess its my destiny to be poor.” In reality you may have chosen poverty to learn to value what is important, and when you achieve this, you can achieve great wealth. So to shift your reality, you would say, “OK what am I to learn from this? Let me learn! I do I wish to create an easier reality!” You begin to think thoughts of gratitude for all you have, and thoughts of abundance. Suddenly you have learned to value what is important in your life. You have learned to be a powerful creator. You have shifted your reality. Your life will begin to change.
You have only one “destiny” or rather “destination” that is etched in stone dear ones, no matter how many lifetimes it takes, and that is to be reunited with the source of all Love, once and for all, knowing you are the very same.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels