
Love is our new reality

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Message from the Angels via Jenny, February 9th, 2018

We bless you for being steadfast as the very air around you changes. Those of you in the snow countries, know that the snow is receiving the new light frequencies. Each individual snowflake is assisting in the deep assimilation of light. The natural aspects of your world reflect your progress to more clarity, more openness.

The Mother has called these waves of highest energy coming to you, moving through you, a tsunami of love. These powerful waves from the heart of the Mother flow into the great heart of Gaia. And you, dear Children of Light, are in the corridors of light, receiving directly, receiving indirectly, receiving purely, receiving now. This is what you came for—to receive such lovelight. Sometimes you need only sit and let the waves move through you. Often that is all you can do.

In the waves of light and in the troughs in between you may feel the whole range of emotions. Some say old vasanas, hidden motivations and agendas, sorrows and losses, old ways of operating for self alone rise up in order to fall away at this time. In the midst of such tremendous clearing you may feel shaken, untethered, battered about.
Then call on us, call on the Mother. Let us ease your experience.

You are part of and instruments in this massive transformation. You are integral to this change. You are this change as it is made manifest in your lives. We bless you that you take the responsibility and the grace to be such carriers of light. Be honest with yourselves as you notice old interests falling away. Old concerns vanish and optimism rises. Be clear. Wisdom is in the light and it informs you. Your lives will reflect what your hearts already know.

We are with you in your moments of clarity; we are with you in your moments of doubt. We are your Angels. We are with you in these greatest of times, momentous times, right now. Yes, dear Ones, this is the time and we are with you. We love you.
