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Mother Mary via Ann Dahlberg, 16 januari


Mother Mary

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Channel: Ann Dahlberg


I am Mother Mary and today I want to talk about the truth. The truth can be liberating, but it can also hurt. It can hurt to hear the truth at the same time as it offers you to heal inside. We always have something that needs healing and the truth can be redemptive. What was hidden and buried far inside suddenly comes forward from the shadows. The memories can be hard to bear as well as our own shortcomings. Remember then that Love heals everything. Embrace yourself with Love and ask your guides to send Light and Love to you. In this way you can dissolve the anguish and fear that were associated with the memory and maybe many other events that you no longer remember, but still lingers in your cell memory.

Love, Love, Love and Love yet again Love can make you whole again. The world needs the truth and we poor Love over ourselves. When we heal ourselves we heal the whole Earth and the society we live in. Do not be afraid of your own truth, we all have truths to deal with. We have all lived in the illusion and we are influenced by it. We have all tried different things during the many lives that we have lived on Earth. Do not judge yourself or others, but find Love in your Heart. Love does not judge, it loves away your pain and sows new seeds of healing, so that you in turn can sow new seeds that heal those that you touch. The world is full of Love – you must first find it in your own Heart to fully enjoy all the beauty that exists. Love attracts Love, so when you are Love you also have Love around you.

The healing energies that exist around you now help you to open up for the Love within yourself. Your whole body will feel loved. Everything you see and touch will be touched by your Love. Many receive gratefully and others withdraw with a shrug, because they have difficulties seeing themselves and may need a bit of help to find the way home to their own heart.

Stand firm in your Love and do not yield an inch. The world needs your Love today. Everybody that has found the way to the heart must honor his or her Heart. The Heart is Light, the Heart is Love. Love and Light is what overcomes darkness and the fear that has occupied many places today. However, it cannot remain, it as been conquered by the Light. The Earth has made its choice and now it is your turn to choose. Even if the truth can hurt the Light and Love becomes stronger. The only thing you need to do is to choose it. There is nothing that you have done that cannot be healed. Help is available for all, but the will can only be yours to have.

Have I expressed myself clearly enough? It is by loving and forgiving yourself that you open up to the Love within you. Accept all that has happened, forgive and love your ignorance that now has become knowledge of Love and Light.

I send you so much Light and Love that I can, so that you may open your hearts to the Light and the Love that you truly are.

My Love is with you forever.

Mother Mary



Translation from Swedish: Per Staffan