Mother Mary
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Channel Ann Dahlberg
I am Mother Mary and I greet you all today. I have come to talk about the time that is coming. It’s a turbulent time, which we now find ourselves in – Both good and evil meet at dissimilar conditions. However, the positive is that the good is gaining more and more ground. With the good, I mean the love of self and others, the evil stands for the fear and hatred of oneself and others.
The people are now learning to love and understand how love works and it takes more and more place in the hearts of the people. Fear and hatred give way to compassion and tolerance to the neighbor. You are on your way to master your emotions and we are so proud of you up here. It is no easy task in the heavy energy that you are in. Raising one’s vibration in this heavy energy requires your vigor. Love is the answer, as you all have heard so many times. However, it stands to be repeated, as you often forget to listen to your heart where the love live.
We often have so much around us that we forget the most important guidance we have – The love that inhabits our heart and, which with joy and with great enthusiasm want to show the way for us. How many have listened to your heart today? Been sitting for a while in silence and listened within to hear the loving voice whispering its words of wisdom, to get us to walk the path we have chosen, but then forgot. It’s like meeting a dear old friend again. Do not miss the chance to get the guidance that you need so much and deserve to have.
I, Mother Mary cherish you all and am trying in every way to make you listen, so that as many people as possible have a chance to wake up. It’s time to wake up children on Earth. The more people that wake up, the more people can help to awaken those who sleep deeply. My heart is full of love and I want all my children to have a chance to wake up, now that the transformation of the earth begins to accelerate even more. The more loving hearts, the more sparks of love is spreading out over the world.
Many more people can then capture these and start their own transformation process. Many helpers around them can assure that the awakening process goes a little faster. Help to help oneself is what many may need when you have just woken up, but the main work you can only do by yourself, as we all have different paths to follow. Although we would have had the same experience, we can experience them differently due to other experiences we have had in the past. Listen to what kind of help they want before you help, then you give them the best help.
I wanted to talk about this today because a great awakening is happening and you who are awake, or are beginning to wake up have a key role to play. Many come to seek your help and at that time you need to be prepared to help. It is important that you are so calm and loving as possible.
Explain – if they want explanations.
Comforting – if they want comfort.
Be sympathetic – if they want understanding.
The list could be made long, but you will have to let your intuition guide you. Do you now understand how important it is to sit still in one’s heart and listen within? Guidance can there be found for All!
With these words, I leave you in great love and with hope for a speedy reunion.
Mother Mary