
Love is our new reality

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Saint Germain via Linda Dillon, August 11
Saint Germain (channeled messages)

Saint Germain via Linda Dillon, August 11

  Heavenly Blessings – 8/11/15 Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal _______________________________________________________________ St.Germaine: I AM St. Germaine. Suzi: Welcome. St.Germaine: And welcome to each of you. And I bring you a gift, not merely of my Flame which I have given you so...
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Brenda’s Blog via Brenda Hoffman, August 16

Brenda’s Blog via Brenda Hoffman, August 16

Dear Ones, Many of you believe others are leaders and you are a follower. Such can be noted in the political arena, your job and your daily life. No one is your leader. Even though you may choose to obtain or note expertise from another, they are an information source – not your leader. That...
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The Angels via Ann Albers, August 15
Ann Albers (channeled messages)

The Angels via Ann Albers, August 15

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Last week we talked about finding the love in all things and all beings. We know this isn't easy, because this is not the way humanity is programmed. We say "programmed" because we know that your true nature is to see...
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Archangel Metatron via Anna Merkaba, August 15
Archangel Metatron (channeled messages)

Archangel Metatron via Anna Merkaba, August 15

  Dearly Beloved Children of Light, The definition of the monatomic particles of god simply put is the building block of your reality, the reality as you truly coherently understand it to be. The monatomic particles of god are the particles which partake of the phenomenon of instructive energies of...
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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan (spiritual writer)

You all stand at the Doorway of the Sun via Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ You all stand at the Doorway of The Sun Children of the moon.  Children of the sun.   Let your spirits soar upon the wind that whispers through your thoughts, through your hearts, and through your days.  Let your spirits soar upon the smile of a child,...
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Sananda via Susan Leland, August 11
Sananda (channeled messages)

Sananda via Susan Leland, August 11

Sananda: "We Are One in the LoveLight!" Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - August 11, 2015 "Greetings, Most Beloved Family!  I am Sananda Kumara.  I have come before you with Love, only Love.  For when one has this Love, this High Dimensional Love, the Love from which we are all...
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Goddess Oraylia via Natalie Glasson, August 14
Natalie Glasson (channeled messages)

Goddess Oraylia via Natalie Glasson, August 14

Heal Your Physical Body, Soul’s Journey and the Universe by Goddess Oraylia Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 14th August 2015 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa I am a consciousness named Goddess Oraylia from the Goddess Council at the Cosmic Level of the Creator’s Universe. It is an honour to share my...
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SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey, August 14
SaLuSa (Sirius) (channeled messages)

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey, August 14

SaLuSa  14 August 2015 As many of you are aware, this September is a pivotal point when the vibrations shall substantially increase. How it will affect you depends on your existing level, but the net result will be such that many will experience upliftment. The overall effect will mean a...
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Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young, August 13
Archangel Gabriel (channeled messages)

Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young, August 13

Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: Are You Open to Receive? Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are to be in your presence yet again. We honour you for coming to anchor the energies of the group; and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are...
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Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner, August 11
Pleiadians (channeled messages)

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner, August 11

           Greetings, I am Mira. I speak with you today with loving service from the Earth Council. We are on a special mission. The future of the earth is about to change. Preparations are underway. Big statements will be made through action and activity. Are you...
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