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Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, July 14th, 2024


Saint Germain  and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self


Summary of AA Sunday call 7/14/24

During this conversation, James McConnell guides listeners through a meditation focused on relaxation and chakra alignment. He emphasizes the importance of balance and raising vibrational frequencies to achieve harmony. He also discusses the concept of the Merkaba light vehicle and visualizes the Earth being engulfed in a violet flame to purge old programming. The conversation then transitions to a discussion about the current state of the world and the upcoming changes. Joanna and Shoshanna address questions about recent events, the truth behind historical narratives, and the potential for attacks or invasions. They encourage listeners to trust in the plan and practice being in a higher vibrational frequency.

(James McConnell channeling St. Germain)

 I am Saint Germain, and I am here to be with you at this time to help you to fully understand the big picture and what is in process of happening now, what is going to continue and what has been happening for quite some time leading up to this point. This point that you are coming to, arriving to, that is going to take you to the next level or the next phase, if you will, of this entire plan. This plan not only for the country, the United States, for America, but the entire planet, the entire world coming.

That is what the full plan is all about, the big picture. And along the way, you do have to look at the minutiae. You do have to look at the smaller events that are happening that are leading to the big picture. But always remember looking at it from a higher point of view. And as if your head was up in the clouds and you have that point of view looking back.

But know that when you are up in the clouds, when you’re higher, your vibrational frequency is also higher, as well as your consciousness. You can see how to cross the entire vista in front of you.   You can see everything from a larger point of view.

That is what this time is all about. For those of you that are aware, those of you that are no longer sleeping, have become awakened. It’s for you to always remember that there is a plan in place here and it is continuing to work out. And yet there will be those events. Those events are definitely coming more and more and are not only again for the United States for America. And notice that I am using the term “for America,” not “of America.” For that is the old corporation. The new republic is forming, is coming together, has been planned for some time now, and is coming together and indeed will come together. You will have your new republic but it will be for the entire world, the entire planet, all of humanity, collective humanity coming together as one. And those, of course, that cannot handle the vibrational frequency as it continues to increase will no longer be here.

You must understand that only those that can be in the higher vibrational frequency and have that higher consciousness will be allowed to remain here on the planet. Those that cannot handle the energies will find ways to leave the planet even if it comes to the point where they are taken fully off of the planet by those of your brothers and sisters from other systems.  This is also a possibility leading to that. There are events that are coming, events that will shock the world. And also those events, those very events will also shock many of you as well. But know that it is all a process. And know that as you had said in your discussion earlier, had the events of yesterday, the attempted assassination of President Trump.

Those of you that watched this event, did not have the fear involved. You did not have the anger involved. Most of you, most of you looked at it as this is meant to be. This is just something happening. Whether it was real or whether it was a faked or staged is not the important thing at this point. It is what it is leading to. The next event and the next one after.

And not all will be negative or even appear negative. Many will be positive and appear such as positive. So just know that you are on the verge right now on the cusp of many great changes coming forward to the entire world. But first, there must be the return of the Republic of this of the United States for America. There must be the return to this Republic. And the new Republic is in process and is coming on board here very soon, very shortly. Trust, just continue to trust, my brothers and sisters, trust in the plan working out. And those of you, those of you that are the way-showers, those of you that are here to pave and show the way know that you are here certainly for a reason and your mission. If you choose to accept it, then that is what you would call a pun here because you have already chosen to accept this mission and you are on mission now. There’s about to unfold even more. I am St. Germain and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you continue to move forward and realize throughout all of this that it is all meant to be and working out exactly as it needs to moment by moment by moment.

(End of channeling session with St. Germain)

(James McConnell channeling One Who Serves)
Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, One Who Serves here, Shoshanna is here with us and we are ready to continue on with this training program and with that we will ask for your questions if you have them. And we know that there are certain questions coming here.  We are preparing for this. Yes.

(Member Question)

You know, I’m going to ask this question about yesterday’s situation with President Trump. You say it’s not important that we know, we know it’s part of the plan. None of us are in fear. We are just a little bit curious to know if this was an MK ultra assassination attempt by the deep state or if it was maybe planned and maybe helped along by the White Hats. Could you give us some clarity, please?

(OWS Answer)

We will say it is a combination of both here, both sides competing against each other. Tit for Tat, if you will. One side makes a move, the other side counters that move as in your chess game. And that is what is happening here and it’s going to continue to happen for a little bit of time yet moving forward. Know that everything again, as St. Germain  has said, as we have been saying for quite some time now,

Everything is happening exactly as it needs to as you continue to move forward and get closer to your own ascension here. So whether it was real, whether it was not real, it’s not important here. Know that these events coming forward here, moving forward, are going to be increasing in various ways and understandings are going to move forward that were not there before in terms of the awakening public. And that’s what this is all about is awakening more and more people to what has been happening for quite some time and what is in the process of change. And this is all about change, all about bringing change to the world. And as people
this event as it happened yesterday, it is starting to bring up questions and those questions will lead to more questions. And when the questions are asked, they, those of the sleeping public, will become awakened more and more because as they ask the questions, just as those of you asked the questions before, they will also begin to ask the questions.

And more and more this is going to happen. So it is one thing leading to another, to another, to another. And you will see how it all plays out. And again, as we always say, we would not want to spoil the surprise as we come forward more and more. That is all we can say on this at this point. Perhaps Shoshanna has a little bit more she can give, different viewpoints.

(Shoshanna shares)

We can share. May we share dear sister? (Absolutely. Dear sister.)

With an event such as this, which is powerful on the psyche of the human being that is affected by this, when an event such as this happens, that Being wishes immediately to know the truth, to get all the details and to know specifically what has occurred. And this will not happen. You see it is unfolding and as One Who Serves has given, it’s a little here, a little there, it moves forward. You will get more information. One thing leads to the next thing. And we know this is not the answer that you are asking for, but what we will tell you is that each of you that witnessed this has an opinion, has gathered their facts based on what their knowledge base is, and nobody is wrong here. There is no wrong answer and there is no right answer. There is just information that has been gathered by each Being to determine what is the truth for them.

And that is what occurs in all situations in life, that your truth is as important as the next person’s truth and that you must continue to gather facts and information and what you believe now may change based on more information and it will come to you. There will be revealing after revealing after revealing

There’s great uncertainty around what really has happened here, you see. Namaste.

(Member continues)

Quickly, can I ask, will we ever know if it was the real Trump or a double Trump? Will that truth ever come out?

(Shoshanna answers)
We will share. Yes.
We wish to have one more idea here, one more perspective if we may. We believe that it is all predicated upon eyes to see, ears to hear, and the heart that you have to understand. So as each thing is revealed, one may still argue with another that that is not true, you see. But you must trust your eyes, trust your ears, and trust your heart.

(OWS comments)

 Very good. Would there be other questions here?

(Member question)

Yes, I have a question. was looking at the video of the assassination attempt and the gentleman who wears the fedora hat, who has been in the background of the news for a number of years now, saying that that’s JFK Jr., who’s still alive. And I noticed as he was being shot, and then they zoomed back to the audience in the back, there he is with his same fedora hat. Looks just like JFK Jr. And he’s always there in the same spot and he was there again. And I don’t know if you probably won’t be able to say whether it is or not, but I just thought I’d throw that in there and just ask for your comments.

(OWS Answer)

We are going to answer the way you probably expect us to answer because there is no other way to answer this. We cannot spoil the surprise on this. There is much that is coming forward, much that is going to shock the world as well as even shock those of you. Not maybe quite so much, but it will be quite revealing. So the reveal is coming.

And those questions that you ask, such as this, will be answered in a relatively short period of time as we find it, mean, from moving forward.  So Shoshanna, do you wish to answer here?

(Shoshanna shares)

We will share here, dear brother, if we may. (Yes, please.)

Dear brother, we would literally love to answer this. We would love to give the truth here, but as One Who Serves has given, we cannot, we, we have a directive that we cannot directly give this answer to you. So you must trust your eyes, trust your ears, and trust your heart in each moment, in each moment you see, as you will know the truth as it is revealed to you. Namaste, dear brother.

(Member continues)

I knew that. I knew that you wouldn’t be able to answer it, but I had to put it out there because I saw him in the crowd and it kind of blew my mind. But do mind if I ask just one more question? I can always wait until later. the… What? Okay. Yeah. Okay. the… The United States of America, are we going to be attacked?

We’re already being invaded, are we going to be attacked? Are the local civilization going to be attacked by possibly the people who are invading our country, what do call them?

The illegal alien? Yes, exactly. Are we going to be attacked at all? Should we go out and buy a gun?

(OWS Answers)

We will tell you that there are plans. There are plans for those of the Dark Hats and there are counter plans by those of the White Hats Alliance. So whether there is going to be a full scale attack in this country that
is not going to happen. But there may be, well, we might look at it as skirmishes or false flag events, as you call them. This certainly happens. But to know that even if these do happen, they are going to be countered by those of the White Hat Alliance. Know that we said some time ago here, as we find that there even a year or more ago, we gave this understanding.  Six words, “the white hats are in control.” Know that we said this quite some time ago and it is certainly proving out to be so as we move forward. So do not allow fear to come over you, even though your brothers and sisters who are not quite awakened as you are yet, they may be showing fear, they may be angry and all of these things but do everything that you can to hold yourself in a higher vibrational frequency and consciousness so that you do not spread fear or spread hatred and all of these things. Do not become a part of that. Be who you are in every moment moving forward. And this will become more and more and more important as events play out here. Shoshanna, do you have something to add?

(Shoshanna shares “Be a Jedi”)
We believe you have fully answered, but we wish to share a perspective. Dear brother, we share? Yes, please. Dear brother, we would tell you to practice being a Jedi. That is what we would tell you. So then there would be no issue. Yes, but the force can be with you. (Right.) And the force of course, force is God. So one of the things that attracted light workers so much to the Star Wars movies is that the force and the Jedi, the Jedi learned to be one with God, to be one with the force. And as long as you practice that, the
field that you will surround yourself with as well as your community, as well as your neighbors, it cannot be penetrated. So we just say practice being the Jedi that you already are. Namaste.

(Member continues)

Great, thank you. So in other words, you know, when I said, well, do we need to go out and buy a gun? I mean, I’ve always resisted that because I create my own reality and why would I attract and ever need a gun that’s part of the Jedi training you’re talking about is that correct?  (yes yes) I knew it thank you very much cheers

(Member question)
Yes, I have a question.  And this is probably the obvious answer, but it’s come to, you know, as all these revealings are happening, essentially, what I’ve learned is all human history is lie and basically fake. As part of the White Hat plan, you know, I’m assuming this is a little further down the line after the truth is revealed, at least about the current, what’s currently going on and has been going on for a modern day civilization. At what point, or is there a point where all human history will be reconstructed accurately and given to the public?

(OWS Answers)

Yes. In terms of what you are hearing about more and more your EBS, electronic broadcast system, electronic, what is the other word, alert system. And that is going to reveal a great deal to those who up to this point have not had the eyes to see and the ears to hear. So it will awaken many, many more moving forward. And also know that the truth shall set you free. This was said long, long ago, but in your biblical journals and all of these things, that the truth would be revealed, would set you free in terms of bringing about very good independence, your freedom once again. And this is coming forward and will be so. And know that there is nothing, no thing at this point that can stop this. It is a guarantee, we will say here, that the new golden age of Gaia will become a reality.  It cannot be stopped. Shoshanna, anything you add here?

(Shoshanna shares)

 We will add, may we add a perspective here, dear brother? (Of course you can, dear sister.)

 Dear brother, Much has been reconstructed. Much of the truth of your history has already been written. It is available to you. It has been written in books. Much of it has been told, has been told to the public that it is fiction, but it is not, you see. If you seek to know the truth,you may find it. That is how it works. Now, what we believe that you truly meant is that the reconstruction of your history would go mainstream, that it would be revealed to us. And that will take some time. And there are actually movements toward what you would call re -education, but in a good thing where people will slowly but surely be told the truth in small pieces so that they would not be shocked, so that chaos would not ensue. And this will take some time, you see. But each person, including your youngest, will have the option to see and hear all that is true, you see, it will just take some time to move this forward in your social structure. Does that make sense dear brother?

(Member comments)

Absolutely. That was actually my assumption to some extent. I just wanted to know, you know, are we going to put the right history books out there? And I just see it pivoting after our education system pivots and gets back in line with truth.

(Shoshanna continues)

Yes, and it will be a process. So be prepared to observe the process and be patient. Namaste. (Namaste. Thank you.)

(OWS comments)

Very good. Are there any further questions before we release channel?

Then Shoshana, do you have a parting message?

(Shoshanna’s message)
It is getting exciting. is getting close. Namaste.

(OWS comments)

Yes, and we would just say keep on keeping on because as Shoshanna is saying, it is becoming exciting. And know that even the events of yesterday in a sense, was somewhat exciting to many of you because you knew that there was nothing to fear there. As many began to fear and their anger showed and all of these things, know that for you, those of you on this call, those of you that resonated these words after, you did not have that fear or that anger. It was just simply something that needed to occur.

Shanti, Peace Be With You!  Be the ONE

Channeled by James McConnell

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