Saturday, February 20, 2016
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Sananda and I want to thank you for your great work, which now has been completed on Earth. I am, and all of us up here are, so proud of you. It has not been an easy task that you have taken on, but you succeeded in the end. It might not look like it, but the path is now open for you and everything is going forward now. It is going forward towards the new dimension, which is the “Time of Love”.
It is time to embrace each other now and give all as much love as they need to heal and cure themselves. It is the first step towards the “new self”, where all of your abilities will be integrated. It is an exciting journey that lies ahead of you. Your many “self” will be integrated and you will come to understand your own journey and where it has taken you – the experiences that you wanted to add to the whole.
All work has been done for the purpose of the highest good, and eventually you will realize this. You must have the whole history, the complete picture to understand where you piece of the puzzle fit in. There is much that we will tell you and much that you will tell us. Each one of you has your own life history with lots of exciting events and adventures that you have experienced. It looks dark at times, but it can give the deep contrast that is needed to understand and realize who you are deep inside. Deep inside you there is only a clean and clear Love.
After a long time in the darkness the light is shining that much stronger. After a loveless life Love is appreciated that much more. Without contrasts you life would be rather dull – a monotonous existence forever. Fortunately there are contrasts in all dimensions, but not as sharp as in the lower dimensions. Also they do not become as dark. It simply works in a different way, which I have a hard time to explain to you here, but you will understand once you have woken up to yourself. They exist only as small tensions, which gives life an extra spice. The existence is still Light and full of Love.
After the long time that you have lived in darkness you will enjoy the Light and Love in a deep and sincere way. We will be there and share this with you. Your families will pour love over you and you will finally get to feel how it is to be a dear and longed for family member. This will be your future as long as you wish. When you have rested with your families you will want to help your brothers and sisters to reconstruct this part of the galaxy.
The future is bright my friends. We all long for your return.
Translation from Swedish: Per Staffan