Jesus: Fundamental to This Year of Extraordinary Change is the Expansion of Heart Consciousness, April 16, 2016
Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda. Yes, Master, Keeper of the Magenta Flame, and yes, in trinity with the Buddha, with Maitreya, my brother of the East, Horseman of the East, many ways related to Archangel Uriel, Bringer of the Future, and my brothers and sisters, the future is now.
I have said to thee that 2016 is a year of extraordinary change, and those changes, beloveds, are well underway. Open your eyes, open your heart and look around.
What is the extraordinary change? What is the most extraordinary change? The change is you. The change is within the hearts and minds and will and alignment of the human beings, of the collective, as they step forth in their knowing and their beingness of love and the action of love. And whether that action is standing, sitting, lying perfectly still and transmitting out to 7 billion people or whether it is nurturing a child or working with the sick and lame, it matters not because of awareness, of the acceptance of surrender and the implementation, integration, of your interdimensional, multidimensional selves.
Now, what does this mean in the practical terms that we have so often spoken about? It means, sweet angels, that you are taking the time, the consciousness, to align with Universal Law. Your entire planet, and far beyond the omniverse is governed, as designed by the Mother’s pattern and will, by Universal Law. We have shared this with thee time and time again and certainly Sanat Kumara continues to implement and work this with each and every one of you.
But it is the conscious choosing – I now work with the Law of Attraction and Repulsion; I now work with the Law of Above and Below, Within and Without; I work with the Law of Transmutation and Transformation; I work with the Law of Change; I work with the Law of Elimination.
And you work with these laws, not only in tandem with your sacred self and your stranger, but with the entire collective. You are using these laws and the energy that fuels these laws, which is love, to change the entire planet and far beyond.
When you come from a place of heart knowingness, of heart centeredness, you have already completed most of your ascension. It has never been about departure from this planet. It has always been about the restoration of our Mother’s Plan upon this planet of love, to be the embodiment, the experience and expression of love, of being a planet where angels come to play and to know what human experience looks, feels, smells, and tastes like.
Have you endured? Yes. But, have you embraced the joy, the satisfaction, the knowing, the play, the fullness of your adventure as yet? No. That is what you are beginning, yes beginning to do. You say, “But Lord, I have been at this for 40 years, 20 years, 10 years, 2 months.” It matters not. Sweet angels you are still at the beginning. Yes, you are in the brackets of this lifetime, but in the infinite, eternal experience of the Mother and what is possible to experience and know in terms of love, in terms of alignment, of creation of Nova Earth and Nova Being, you are at the beginning.
I do not say this in the way of minimizing or dismissing your efforts. I say this to encourage you, to say to you, “There is so much more. There is so much more joy, more love, more trust, more compassion, more grace.”
And you know what the result of that is? It isn’t sitting around in a church or a temple or a cave feeling holy. It’s walking the streets with each other hugging and skipping and laughing – laughing so hard that you are rolling on the floor. That you are so excited that you can’t wait for the next day because you know the unfoldment lies in front of you. And that the adventure is so big and so much fun, and everything that you have ever dreamed of, that you are embracing it wholeheartedly.
And you are saying to me, to the Mother, to the Father, to the One, to the entire Council, “Bring it on!” This is not simply about the refined pattern of balance. This is about you claiming your birthright, living your birthright, dancing your birthright of joy.
The extraordinary change is you waking up every morning and knowing how deeply you are loved and loveable, and that we, you and I, are in sacred union, sacred partnership and that you, in your divinity, are the expression of love in form, that you give, receive, and are the awe and the wonder of that expression and that experience.
Look for the extraordinary change within you and then look, observe, and participate in the extraordinary changes around you. They are there. Identify, expand, embrace and keep going. And go with my love. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon 04-16-16
© 2016 Council of Love, Inc.
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