My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There will always be “distractions” in your life. There will always be things you must do, that you feel keep you from creating the life of your dreams. There will always be “interruptions” in your life. There will always be things that don’t look as you wish.
So how do you ever begin to accomplish your dreams, when a vast majority of your lives must be spent focusing on the “necessary” tasks of survival, and when you are not in control of the world around you? The answer is simpler than you think…
You become present to the “opportunity” to find and create love to each moment.
As you begin to seek the love in each moment, and bring love into each moment, you find that you always have the opportunity to enjoy the essence of what you are seeking. Every dream you have, every item, relationship, or situation you seek is simply a desire for a greater and greater manifestation of love in your life.
For example, say you want a house but don’t know a clue how you will ever be able to afford one. You just begin to save and the car breaks down. How can this “distraction” to your savings possibly be helping you? Maybe you will need your car for another job. Maybe the car breaks now so you are not stranded later. Maybe you will be driving past the house of your dreams on the way back from the repair shop. Trust. Love that you have a car at all. Love that you have something put away to repair it.
Instead of viewing this as a demonstration of lack and an “interruption” to your manifestation, assume, that somehow you are being given an opportunity to find abundance now, to see the good you already have in your life, and in that vibration to more easily attract your house. Perhaps you speak positively about the house you are creating when you bring your car in for repairs and someone refers you to the perfectly affordable place! By seeing this “distraction” as a vibrational “opportunity” you expand your consciousness into a loving reality which by its very nature will necessitate a house to match, at the perfect time, in the perfect way.
Suppose you want greater financial abundance in general. You begin as most humans do, by working harder, smarter, or more often. You get upset when the dishwasher breaks, the traffic is slow, someone interrupts you! You have work to do! You need to earn money! In this stressful reality, you are not even close to enjoying the energy of love and energy of abundance!
Far better to say, “Ok, I’ll work harder, smarter, or more, but when I need a breather, I’ll take one. When I’m interrupted I’ll be honest that I have to work, or I’ll enjoy the interruption. When traffic is slow or something breaks, I’ll assume the universe is working on my behalf even though I cannot yet see it.” In this reality, you are already abundant and you will more easily attract more!
Likewise, suppose you are looking for love. You take it upon yourself to check the dating sites frequently. You go out every weekend. You find this a chore and a bore, but all your friends tell you that you “must” do this in order to have a relationship. Suddenly life “interrupts” you. You have a hard period of time at work and you have no energy to get on the dating sites. Your friends and family need you… How are you ever supposed to find someone…
Well dear ones, look at these “distractions” as “opportunities to shift your energy. Can you see the love? The universe may want you to rest and realize that you’re burning yourself out in all areas of life. The universe may send you to be with friends so you remember what real love feels like. The universe may be calling upon you to learn better boundaries so you can actually enjoy the right relationship and avoid the wrong ones.
There are any number of reasons life “interrupts” you, but always, these “interruptions” are opportunities to find greater love, to give thanks for the abundance life is offering you already, to practice more loving behaviors towards yourself…
If you practice seeing the “distractions in life” not as “distractions” but simply as “life trying to love you” then you will find that these are opportunities to shift your energy, and therefore, they are part of the very dream you are creating!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels