Do Politicians & Billionaires Hold More Power Than You Do? ∞The Creators
“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.
We know that many of you are getting triggered at this time by what you see political figures doing and hear them saying, and that you have visceral reactions in your bodies to what billionaires are saying and doing publicly, and we want you to know that you have a right to your feelings and to your reactions. And we also want to remind you of how powerful you really are. Your power goes far beyond your ability to vote and to boycott a company or a social media platform. Your power lies within you, and it is the power that you have to change your vibration, your thoughts, your beliefs, your perspectives.
All of that power lies within you, and you all are being called upon to access those powers, those abilities. You are the ones who have the tools, who have the knowledge that you need to change yourselves. You can do a lot more than just posting on social media, on your website, on your blog about your outrage. You have much more power within you than pointing a finger gives you, and as you shift and change yourselves and become the beings of unconditional love, the beings of acceptance, the beings who are capable of seeing the Source Energy within each and every being, then you are creating the change that you want to see in the world.
Just pointing out how bad a person is and how damaging the things they do and say are isn’t enough. It’s not enough to give you the kind of change, the kind of movement, vibrationally, that you want to see within the collective you are a part of. And so, yes, it is time for you to stand up for what you believe in and to be that which you would like to see the politicians and the billionaires be, but you always need to pay attention to how you are reacting to something that you see, hear, or read. And you have to be the ones who change, because you cannot get anywhere by asking everyone else to change.
You will not be able to provide enough evidence to the average voter to get that person to change their mind because their mind is so inflexible, but you can change enough within yourself to start seeing the changes occurring outside of you that you want to see, that you want to be a part of. This is how you do it. This is how you change your world. You have all the power within you to do it, and you can align with those people who are out there that you see doing good works, that you see saying the right things, or you can give all of your attention to those you would like to take down.
There is much more power in aligning with what you want and the people that you see holding a higher vibration, and some of you have come to realize that because you know how bad you feel inside when you take the approach of pointing fingers and trying to take down those who are in those positions of power. And so, you learn through experience what works and what doesn’t work, and how you need to be in order to be a part of the solution, a part of the new consciousness that humanity needs, that all countries need, regardless of who is sitting at the top in that country.
What’s going on inside of you matters so much more than that. And that is what we want to get through to you in this transmission of love and light and hope and unity. That’s what you all need, and you all need to be to bring about the new Earth that you want to see and experience in your lifetime.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”