
Love is our new reality

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The Divine Mother ~ Knowing Unity, June 23, 2024

The Divine Mother ~ Knowing Unity

By Linda Dillon

Greetings, I am Mary, I am Maré, I am Mother, I am Divine Mother, Universal Mother, Omniversal Mother, Mother of One and Mother of All – and yes, sweet angels in form, on planet, Mother of thee, Mother of your Sacred Self, this wondrous being in the Sacred Divinity and Divine Knowing of who you are. You have chosen to incarnate upon this planet at this exact moment in my Universal Ocean of Time.

You have been in the Unity, and you say to me, “Well, Mother, how do I know? How do I measure it? How do I define it? How do I live there?” In many ways, it is beyond your definitions. Oh, we will give them to you to help clarify, but being in Unity – being in the Sacred Union of You and All – is a state of being.

Often, I have said unto thee that how humans, you angels in form, have known love upon this planet primarily – and I mean for a very, very, very long time – has been through expression and experience, and hence my litmus test: “Does it feel like Love?” And if not, not only back away, run away! Yes, I give you permission! Running away is allowed as long as you are running home to me, because I wish you to be home with me, with all of us. And that is what Unity is.

And so it is shifting you, not just from expression and experience but into the fullness of your Knowing, into the fullness of You and of All. Now how you know this – your new litmus test – is that which is not of love feels abrasive, feels quite discordant. Oh, and I have presented you with some discordant, abrasive situations so you could identify and feel this because it is not the way of Unity.

Now, when you feel discord or abrasiveness, it does not mean that you default to many of the old human paradigms/habits of attack or defensive behaviour. You stand in your heart, your mind, your will, and with the clarity – with the Divine Clarity which is yours – and you know how to proceed or not proceed. You know what is truly transpiring. You are able to discern this. And in your Divine Neutrality, never… and that is a long time!… never do you judge. You infuse, you transmit, you apply Universal Law, and you do not interfere.

There is a very big difference between being in Unity, being in your Divine Knowing, and interfering. Never do you override another’s free will or sovereignty. That is the constant throughout all Creation because I know and I love and I trust you – and therefore you trust yourself and others, and the unfoldment in this level of wisdom, in this level truly of being fully present in form, on planet.

You are able, as my Divine Activators, my Divine Influencers, to shift populations of such magnitude that you have no idea! And you don’t need to. You simply stay in the Love.

I have stepped forward not only to welcome you but to reinforce you, to express how proud I am of each and every one of you. You truly are the Bravehearts! And even when you have thought, “I don’t know what I’m doing,” even when you have brilliantly stood perfectly still, you have gone forth and you are doing incredibly well!

This is the New Paradigm for the planet, for the Galaxy, and this section of the Universe – and it is rippled out and reflected throughout.

This is you, with me, declaring that you choose Love, that it is not only a good choice, a best choice, it is the only choice, and you know that because anything else hurts. It is that sandpaper on your very soul.

So I embrace you. I embrace you with my Sacred Love into the Unity of One.

Let us wander together hand-in-hand, heart-in-heart, deeper into the wonder, the magnificence, of Unity.
