
Love is our new reality

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Brenda’s Blog via Brenda Hoffman, June 16th, 2017

Dear Ones,

Synchronize your thoughts with your dreams. The difference from 3D is that you are syncing your thoughts to your dreams – instead of your fears.

For many, such a thought is an often repeated concept in this transition. You have learned over and over to put aside your fears so your dreams could come to fruition. The difference is your energies have now achieved a plateau, a level of creation – higher than previously thought possible.

Many are upset with this thought believing that an emphasis on dreams is a transition carrot that will never become a reality.

Perhaps it will help you to understand better if you imagine you are a bicycle manufacturer in the late 1800s who has dreams of creating an airplane. You have unsuccessfully tried design after design knowing that an airplane will be created eventually, even though maybe not in your lifetime.

The Wright brothers and other early airplane designers assumed such was possible – that they merely needed to tweak their design a bit to create a functioning product. So it is for you now.

Many have provided tips, books, and other materials teaching you their creation methods. Methods that have not yet created your dreams. It is time for you to follow your inner instincts. You have a dream, what do you need to do, to tweak, to achieve that dream?

These are the energies floating around you the next few weeks. Follow your inner-directives whatever they are for they are the creative sparks that will light your creative fire.

No one is like you, and therefore no one can teach you how to create – other than you. Yes, you might have to tweak several creation designs – or create methods no one has yet thought of. You are a creator creating in new ways and new times. No manual other than your personal manual within your being will achieve your goal.

Perhaps you do not yet believe that you have such a honing device, that you are capable of creating the life or object of your dreams.

Such is so because you continue to be tied to 3D limiting beliefs. You are no longer of 3D. You must think outside the box, as it were, to create in the way most appropriate for you.

Granted, you have meditated, hoped and taken courses in how to create your dreams, but never before have the creation energies been as strong as they are now while you have been of the earth. This is a new time.

Even though some of you might not create now for it is not the time for you to do so, do not be concerned for energies once of the earth do not leave.

The transition energies of the past few years are becoming stronger daily as more of you transition. You, of the transition, are magnifying the light – which is energy. And doing so most definitely increases your creative powers.

Once you leave 3D – as those of you reading this channel have done – you entered the light of 5D and beyond. So your powers in all things light – including creation – have multiplied greatly.

It is time for you to stop feeling sorry for yourself if you have not yet created your dreams – and to jump into the light that is your right and your creation beam.

Certain times of earth history have been labeled strong creation periods – the industrial revolution, the 1960s, etc. Such is so because enough humans of those periods believed anything was possible – and so it was within their en masse framework of possible dreams.

Now is a similar time with expanded energy.

Previously in your history bumps of creation, specific areas shifted which in turn shifted other pieces of earth and humanity. For example, the 1960s were dedicated to humanity and selfhood, just as the industrial revolution was dedicated to feats of engineering.

Your current creation bump, if you will, is not targeted in any direction for you are all unique individuals – so perhaps the best descriptor of this period will be self-creation.

You are free to create your dreams. Even though your creations might not be like anyone else’s, all are important creations because they allow all to know that anything is possible.

You have seen a display of such with your recent global politics – the continuation of the belief, perhaps, in unpleasant creation skills that have confounded many among you. How is that action or reaction possible?

Such is merely someone grabbing onto the current energies and using them in ways you cannot yet understand – but you will. Politics that are forcing you to rethink your world and your life. Which, of course, is forcing you to create a life most correct for you.

Not that your current creation dream will continue as such for the remainder of your life on earth, but merely that you are creating as you would like at this moment KNOWING that you can change your creation at any time and will most likely do so. Just as early airplanes are completely different from the space rockets now taken for granted.

Allow yourself to create as small or large as you wish – for most of you need to test your skills before you believe in your innate capabilities. And yes, innate is the correct word for you are no longer a 3D human hoping your dreams might come true. You are a 5D or beyond Universal being capable of creating what you want. You merely have to believe such is so and grab onto the creation energies now freely floating around earth sent by your Universal brothers and sisters.

Anything is possible from you – and will be for evermore. And you shine your beacon brightly by allowing yourself to know and believe that such is so. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

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