Ishvara via Ann Dahlberg, August 24, 2024
Channel Ann Dahlberg
I am Ishvara and today I want to embrace all humanity that is now facing a great trial.
The strong energies that vibrate today bring with them a lot of resistance from those who want to keep the old order and structure. There is no longer any acceptance for, there are too many people who realize that the old order and the system that is now used is not sustainable either for the Earth or humanity. You are all part of the Earth and what affects it also affects you.
There is sufficient research as a basis for one to be able to see and understand that this is the case. It has also reached the public, although it has not had the impact it rightfully should have.
It is the collective effort of humanity that is needed now to bring the entire planet into a better balance, so that all living things on Earth, including yourselves, will be well and develop at a higher level of consciousness.
Your bodies will then vibrate in a higher energy, a more loving and brighter tone. You are then no longer affected by the lower energy and you see and understand how everything is connected, where you have been and where you are going.
The goal for humanity is now to receive the vibrations from the higher energy that has now come to Earth and allow it to be integrated into your bodies at the rate that you yourself choose or are able to do.
It partly depends on how you are physically and mentally able to receive it. In any case, there is an upgrade regardless of what state you are currently in. It just integrates at a slower pace and within a wide variety.
You who have come a little way should receive as much light as you can because it affects all of humanity, because through the light codes you send out you help many people to find home faster to themselves and the source of light that they have within itself. It can then vibrate out into their bodies and open up to a stronger energy. It’s like when you light a fire that lights up and burns brighter with every piece of wood you add.
Yes, dear ones, evolution moves forward and you are filled with more knowledge with each passing decade on Earth. At the stage that the Earth is now in, things are going extra fast and many of you may find it difficult to keep up with the rate at which everything is now being upgraded and changed.
The best thing is to concentrate on your own development and the wide spectrum that exists within yourselves. Everything that is on the outside is also on the inside. You only need to go within yourself to find everything you need and the answers to the questions you have.
It is the love for people, animals and nature that is growing on Earth today. It is the one that drives you forward and replaces old systems with new, more humane and loving ones. You understand and see that you all belong together and that together you change your world into a bright and beautiful place to live in.
It is happening now, dear friends, see and feel it within you and you will soon see its clear manifestation reflected in your outer world.
big love,