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Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman, September 26th
Archangel Michael (channeled messages)

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman, September 26th

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman: Becoming an Emissary of Light Beloved masters, as surely as you live and breathe, you are helping to create either Heaven or hell on Earth—or many of you may possibly feel that you vacillate somewhere in-between the two. No matter what you believe or how...
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Sharman the Pleiadian via Sue Lie, September 27th
Suzanne Lie

Sharman the Pleiadian via Sue Lie, September 27th

PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT By Sharman the Pleiadian—Through Sue Lie We Welcome Your Nightly Visits Greetings, I, Sharman, wish to remind you that if you awaken feeling tired or feeling as if there is something that you can’t quite remember, please consider the possibility that you were busy on the...
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Pleiadian High Council of Seven via Daniel Scranton, September 26th
Pleiadians (channeled messages)

Pleiadian High Council of Seven via Daniel Scranton, September 26th

Intentions & Beliefs ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven “We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom. Stating your intentions for what you experience is going to serve you more than changing your beliefs. Your beliefs are all about...
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Brenda’s Blog via Brenda Hoffman, September 23d

Brenda’s Blog via Brenda Hoffman, September 23d

Dear Ones, You likely feel depleted, tired, angry – even hopeless. For all you have worked for throughout your transition seems to be outside your capabilities. Others are reporting the completion of their dreams. And promote that if you do exactly as they did or do the same will be...
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Benjamin Fulford Update, September 26th
Benjamin Fulford (investigative reporter)

Benjamin Fulford Update, September 26th

Benjamin Fulford Update Major world power struggles and changes due in October September 26, 2016 Multiple, reliable sources inside the world’s intelligence agencies and secret societies are predicting major changes in the world’s power structure in October. The struggle is centering on who will control the United States and its...
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Redemption/Exchange Points from Yosef and Bruce by PinkRoses 9-24-16
Disclosure - Banking and Currency (not channeled)

Redemption/Exchange Points from Yosef and Bruce by PinkRoses 9-24-16

Redemption/Exchange Points from Yosef and Bruce by PinkRoses 9-24-16 REDEMPTION EXCHANGE POINTS FROM YOSEF AND BRUCE, PERSONAL NOTES FROM CONF. CALLS, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 BY PINKROSES · When the notifications of the toll free 800 numbers come out different dinar sites will have that information listed. Some names of dinar...
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Adama via Asara, September 25th
Adama - (channeled source from Telos)

Adama via Asara, September 25th

  We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. You have moved through the joyous Fall Equinox, which is always a great celebration for us here in Telos. Dear Ones, it is time to acknowledge all...
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Office of Poofness by ZAP and Susan, September 25th
Office of Poofness (Investigative Reporter)

Office of Poofness by ZAP and Susan, September 25th

POOF SAID Now we are awaiting the final actions and verbiage that the entire world awaits. The muscled ones are ready to muster forward and the intentional ones are jut as intentioned to hold the line they have in the foremost manner that is even now pressing forward. We know...
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Saul via John Smallman, September 26th
Saul (channeled messages)

Saul via John Smallman, September 26th

You are divine Beings of immense power and energy, Divine Energy. 09/26/2016 by John Smallman Saul Audio Blog for Monday September 26th Humanity’s awakening is so close that your awareness that it is occurring is intensifying enormously – you feel it enveloping you – and yet you still experience the illusion as very real. ...
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RV/GCR Op-Ed Monday September 26, 2016
Disclosure - Banking and Currency (not channeled)

RV/GCR Op-Ed Monday September 26, 2016

"$MALLPOX" RV/GCR Op-Ed Monday September 26, 2016 (8) ---------- "$MALLPOX" RV Op Ed Monday September 26, 2016 (8) ---------- "From nothing everything comes." ---------- 1 Timothy 6:9-11  Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into...
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