Ishvara via Ann Dahlberg
October 5, 2024
Channel Ann Dahlberg
I am Ishvara and today I want to talk a little about what it is like to be an alien on Earth.
There are a number of such individuals on Earth today and by that I mean those who were temporarily born on Earth but otherwise live on another planet in the universe. It can be difficult to find your way around here and they can often feel a little lost. They feel that they don’t really fit in and have difficulty placing themselves in any kind of category in the society around them.
They are often misunderstood and can feel very alone. They don’t seem to belong anywhere. They often live in seclusion and work in something that interests them. They are very talented and their interests have a great degree of variety. They can move in areas of technology, chemistry, music and art of various kinds.
They are also found in areas such as politics, economics and various areas of research. They stand out in the way that they create something new, they do not follow the usual template or framework that exists in the respective field, but they use their own ideas and conclusions for what they do.
It can be appreciated in some areas while in others it can get cold hands and they are neglected or ridiculed. They often come here to stir the pot, so that everything doesn’t stagnate and go on autopilot. They are sometimes visible but just as often operate in silence. They don’t want to make too much of a fuss or attract too much attention. They may blend into society on the surface but inside they may still feel a little lonely and lost.
That is what many of you are feeling now, as you enter a new era of light and love. Your bodies and minds are changing and you may feel like you don’t belong anywhere anymore. You have one foot in the heavier energy, where you feel safe and know what is expected of you, and the other you have in the lighter energy, where much is still unknown to you.
You must allow yourself to enter an unknown zone and act on what you intuitively feel is right for you. It assumes that you have full confidence in what comes up within you, without being sure that it is really the right path or thing for you to do right now. You may feel like aliens on your own Earth.
After all, we are all aliens outside our own planet. You may also have visited other planets and solar systems during the many lifetimes you have lived on Earth. You understand exactly this feeling of vulnerability, homelessness and loneliness, it can also be experienced when you move from one place to another.
It may also be something in your upbringing that has led to these feelings within you. It may be a pattern that you have carried with you for many lives, but which has now come to the surface in this life for a change to take place.
The Earth and Cosmos are helping you now, so that you see and understand how to free yourself from early traumas. It is happening within people now on different levels. The light codes that have been sent to Earth are awakening your cellular memories and a great liberation can be experienced by more people today. The hour of freedom has come, dear friends, you are greatly assisted by your cosmic friends, who assist you in the way that is advisable for them to do.
I wish you a great liberation from everything that has held you back in your development to become a fully conscious and free person who lives in freedom and unconditional love.
big love,